[FR] Went to Shrine ATX – a bdsm club

I heard about Shrine ATX from Bman on the KYIL forums and decided to go a couple months ago because I was checking out Austin to meet some new and old faces anyway and see how I liked the city1. Some guys like him have success going to kink events like Shrine Austin and using them purely as a social mixer, with no stripping or sex planned, building more of a social group, and having the social group as a platform to escalate into sex parties and dating later. Given you see the same people over and over, it makes sense to create a community instead of cruising around for sex like some guys do.

I was surprised at how many unattractive people there were too—but then it’s a public event open to anyone with kink, so it’s not unexpected to see some heavier or more creatively-gendered people there. Still working on my own physique—I want to better fit the “athlete” body type2.

I need to work on my social skills for night/party scenarios. I was uncomfortable most of the night, and 50% of my conversations involved me inadvertently blurting out that I didn’t know how to go from starting the conversation to actually having a scene with someone—talk about uncalibrated. But some of the responses I got were to the effect of “once you’ve been around the block for a while, you start realizing you’re wasting time being shy; better to find out sooner if the person is a yes or a no and save both of your time”. I was judging myself for that in the moment too, which didn’t help my anxiety. So getting used to the bar/party scene and becoming more of the “relaxed, fun, social party guy” will help with that.

Talked with a bunch of people, got some contacts. I totally crushed on and was impressed by one of (the guy who spent a couple years and became comfortable building his social groups in the BDSM scene) Bman’s past partners who he’s written about on the KYIL forums. At one point I gave a girl a back massage and a dozen orgasms, and she jerked me off for a while too (I didn’t come. I’m sensing a pattern… the only way to cure it is more experience!). Another guy joined in the scene of massaging, though it wasn’t exactly the MFM I’ve had in mind to do… Then it was late in the night, an hour or two before the close of Shrine, and I called it a night for myself to catch a few winks before an early morning plane flight.

Met a few guys from the KYIL forums there besides Bman. I knew they were potentially coming, two of them I’d not met before. I arrived there solo, with plans to mingle and run into them at some point in the night if they came. Sounds like they had similarly low exposure to bdsm/sex party culture, and it might not be some of their favorite. That’s cool. Lean towards what you like, ignore what you don’t. They weren’t the first people in this sphere of seduction improvement who weren’t into some combo of sex parties/sex clubs/solo bdsm (I won’t mention names here in case they don’t want to be identified).

It was apparently less popular there than earlier months, but it was cool to have gone. I updated my ideas about what goes on there, what attracts attention, how to make a scene or get laid, and so on.

Some key takeaways are:

  • If you’re inexperienced, talk to lots of people and have fun—setting sex as your goal as a newcomer will set you up to view the night as a failure instead of a useful reference experience.
  • When you’re in the bdsm scene, you can try indirect if your social calibration is up to snuff, but for guys like me your mileage will work better to be bold and direct. The simple phrase “Hey, I think you’re really attractive. I’m looking for [act of intimate play/scene]. What’s your name?” is easy to forget but very useful if you remember it/instinctively know it.
  • Some parties have better ratios than others.
  • Knowing some people going to a large sex event before you arrive can help a lot with not feeling alone.

  1. My biggest note: Austin is more car-dependent than I expected ↩︎
  2.  I want to be the type women actually find attractive, as opposed to the type who is tolerated because of faux inclusivity ↩︎

Wholesome Gangbangs: That One Time, At Aella’s Birthday Party…

I solemnly swear I didn’t come in a fluffer ✋

In December 2023, Aella made a post to X (Twitter) sharing a Google application where anyone could sign up to take part in the gangbang. The event inspired reactions and memes over the following days.Aella's Birthday Gangbang

Know Your Meme

This post will be even rougher in editing than usual because I wrote so much in my notes.

First things first:

I participated in Aella’s Gangbang, which was awesome1! And we’re allowed to talk about what happened, but just not who was there (except Aella), so here’s a post about it!

This post includes:

  • A bunch of links to others’ posts/podcasts on the topic (first- and second-hand), the most comprehensive I’ve seen to date
  • Retelling my Gangbang experience from my limited perspective
  • Some of my random thoughts after the fact
  • A short Q&A (feel free to ask further questions in the comments below)

The Gangbang

Continue reading “Wholesome Gangbangs: That One Time, At Aella’s Birthday Party…”

[LR] + End-of-Year 2023 Stories – Relationships, Location Stagnation

A Belated NightRoller Update

The past few months have seen me still in the rural U.S., still underemployed and seeking work, and still with poor logistics for meeting girls ever since my family got involved in my love life. Red Quest has recommended I get a temporary job working in a coffeeshop or restaurant or similar, which I’ve done, but the pay isn’t sufficient for a long-term solution.

There’s a deadline coming up for me within the next few months to change my situation, so I’m not allowing myself to fall stagnant in this current situation. I even took nearly a full month’s break from dating apps and toned down my social media use—it feels too pathetic to count as a win, but compared to past me, it’s another step in the right direction.

As RedQuest reminded me,

Tim [Ferris] says he becomes a slower, duller thinker when he doesn’t write. You probably do, too.


Four different new girl stories from NightRoller’s life journal: Two are hot. Two involve relationships. Two are BPD (uh-oh). Two involve blowjobs. All involve sex, the typical minimum barrier I have for recording them in my mind as “significant” without a strong abnormal occurrence, anymore—too many girls are in my phone in the “PHONE ZONE” or Texting Purgatory, where they’d love to think they’re special, but more often than not, it’s them dropping off on me‚ though I’m not the best at sending engaging texts either.

Herein lies one new girl story, plus bonus recurring revenue from past investment.

Super-Attached Movies Girl

This girl I met on a coffee date after matching online with high interest from her end and we immediately hit it off. I posted an initial mention of it on Twitter:

1 was super on from first text: opened me on Tinder with “Hey cutie”, downhill from there. Nice dress, fun personality, +1 in parking lot. Subtracted a point once the dress came off—overweight but doesn’t look it. Lower end of what I’ll take as a regular. Liked her.

A Recent Twitter Post

As she was the only +1 in a while and only girl I could convert to a regular, I was willing to give a bit more effort into this one, gain experience seeing girls multiple times, and so on. But she had a weird thing about not having sex in her room at her house, which resulted in some weird situations when roommates popped through the area she defaulted our activities to. The ironic bit is how she wasn’t comfortable being an exhibitionist around her roommates despite her choice of setting.

For the first couple dates it felt very easy to communicate with her, but later it became more one-way as she prattled on and on about dumb movie stuff and I couldn’t think of good topics to steer the conversation. She had a high desire to dump her daily life trauma, exaggerated like it was the best or worst thing in the world, expressed over text or in person. She had very little drive to ask me questions or learn about me. By the end, from my perspective, she still seemed to know very little about me besides my habits. I was fetishized as the attractive man of her dreams.

I noted in private, “My only current plate is quite overweight and seems to have no drive to change that and a high desire to gossip about all sorts of dumb menial work and movie related things, sending 3-12 texts a day to my 0-3. I tire of it but don’t want to let her go because of the neediness that’ll set in after a few weeks.” Her low attractiveness took a lot of the enjoyment out of sex, once we were seeing each other regularly (she really did look beautiful when I first picked her up and took her for coffee—how easy a horny man can trick himself). I used the chances we had to stave off my insecurity and give her and I more BDSM experience, plus giving her addictively good-enough sex besides.

I felt the objectification even more acutely when she got upset about me wanting to leave and totally ignoring how I felt about wanting to leave when I finally did so, cutting dating apps, reducing my attempts to reignite faltering text leads, and cutting this girl out in the process. She was far too attached (even getting me gifts and things) when I was seeing her as barely more than a f*ckbuddy, and had apparently built what we were into enough hope that she wasn’t able to see reality.

She was so superinvested, even when I went through the process of giving her a final goodbye date where she tried to convince me we could “work out”, convinced that it could work out anyway, that what we “had” was “perfect”. She even offered to have me live at her place to try and solve the logistics issue, a move I understood (would create more logistics problems than it solved and) would not last long-term when our “relationship” was so untested. I made the effort on that last date to challenge her thinking with some beneficial stoic philosophy, asking her to think about how our “relationship” ending could be a positive thing for me AND for her.

So invested was she that daily emotional paragraph texts 2-3 screenshots long arrived for about a week, and afterward she seemed to want to get bitter or resentful or blow up an argument to make it easier to demonize me in her mind. If you saw RedQuest’s recent post, this is the girl in question I was asking about.

She’s the kind of person who likes to think of people as her emotional wet wipes (“friends”) or as her enemies, and it seemed to frustrate her on some level that she couldn’t firmly stuff me into either box.

Halloween Month Highlight

I had the luck of an unexpected rebound of my “Seductress Girl” while visiting friends in my college town. Last I’d heard she had a boyfriend (I planned to just visit and chat with her platonically), but she revealed that had ended and she was now seeing a different guy and trying to see if he was the guy for her commitment needs. She’s adamant about wanting a committed monogamous partner and kids. I’m encouraging her to go after what she wants, and except for this magical instance, she’s mostly been consistent in her actions towards chasing that goal.

It was a little awkward when I showed up because she was tired from work that day and only gave amber lights about sex until she was moaning on her bed (I’d purposely kept her and myself in limbo about if sex would happen to avoid possible cold feet, which is kinda dumb in retrospect with returning girls like her—as a concept, it’s really used to avoid flakes for first-time meetings. Anyway, I didn’t want to push for sex if she wanted to keep committed to her partner at the time).

Some of the joy of the moment was sucked out by reminiscing about our previous times, comparing to this one, and expecting more from her (in eagerness, in dominance, etc.), but it escalated to a quite pleasant single round and massage for her and a reminder for me about how yes, she was hot, but no, she wasn’t a divine fluke of the past. Kinky girls like her may yet exist in my future.

We still follow each other on social media. She posted holiday pics of herself and her boyfriend last week. Good for her.

That’s all for now! The next bit will come when I get done editing it. All of the main ideas have been brain-dumped already, and it’s a doozy.

Keep on rolling, and write your own stories. I once again put off writing a post due to a (perceived) lack of content to write, which is dumb. That’s not a terrible thing except that I didn’t want to put it off this long once the content started to accumulate. Even when I think I don’t have much to say, all I have to do is wait, and more adventures and stories come along to entertain and give advice. And keeping these stories locked up for too long isn’t helping me either.


+2–Good Things Come To An End–A New Phase Begins

Kinky Wrestler leaves with drama, other dates, and a less date-focused phase of life.

Writing this while it’s relatively fresh. 35 links! Yikes!

End of a Good Thing

Since the last post, the Kinky Wrestler ENM girl met up again, this time at mine. She started off more bratty than last time, but because of a rule against hard biting or scratching on me, there was little she could do to exercise her brattiness. Wonderful time again rivaling or surpassing my time with Seductress Girl. We tried filming some of our time together in the hedonistic thrill and I left the camera filming most of the time. Three separate rounds, two indoors and one out on the porch against the railing, hidden from public scrutiny with our tops on while I railed her from behind amongst the stars. We talked about all sorts of things, planned some things we wanted to do in a future meet (she needed to get home by a certain time to help with kids). I sent the recorded videos early the next morning without checking what was on them.

Kinky Wrestler had this kind of “edgy cute girl next door” vibe with highlights, much fewer tattoos, and nice outfits.

Angles are critical to a sexcursion video’s transformation from baseline “two animalistic naked humans rutting each other and grunting” to “actually tasteful porn I’d watch again.” The sex was hotter in the moment but cringe on film. Film of my technique assists in highlighting ways I can improve during sex—I’m good at slow, gentle, with short high-intensity spurts, but weak at animalistic, wolfish, primal sex and want to fill a more assured, leaderlike role1. Something to challenge myself with once I build a more consistent sexual partner or rotation, but not with Kinky Wrestler, because…

The evening after I sent the videos, she sent a text that said, when I used the word “love” during sex2, that “they”3 discussed it and believed it to be a gateway to catching feelings, which is one hard rule they had for our interactions—no catching feelings, NSA sex—and meant that we had to “part ways” at this point. A shame, really, and kind of a dumb thing to assume is a gateway. My honest guess4 is that the boyfriend didn’t like how the girlfriend reacted to her and my sex or the way I talked to her when he watched the videos, and decided out of jealousy or insecurity to nip the “problem” (me+her) at the bud. I’m most frustrated neither of them reached out to me to discuss it as a possible problem and wish that I’d gotten the BF’s number to discuss any problems man-to-man. “Disappointed” is an accurate word, and receiving that text was a very low low following the very high high of the previous evening.

According to RedQuest, this drama often crops up with ENM/poly couples, so better to expect it. I was disappointed because I’d expected better from the guy in the couple and thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic with the girl5. I looked forward to trying an MFM for the first time with a guy I respected. I also hoped to follow in RedQuest’s footsteps and meet the couple with one of my plates.

Alas, I sent a reply to the “we have to part ways here” text explaining my understanding of their desire to follow the rules, but also clarifying things that I guessed they may have misconstrued6 about the situation, and left it there. I have the boyfriend and the girlfriend’s email addresses if I ever decide to ping them and ask how they’re doing/discuss what happened. Low likelihood but may be worth trying.

Lessons: Accept the awesome experiences, be thankful for them, and don’t dwell on their loss. Dwell on what actions to take to find the next awesome girl.7 Improve camera angles. And take the “chicks are random” axiom to 11 when couples are concerned.

Encounters and Developments

The girl from the first coffee date from Friday, I’ll refer to as Gamer Girl, turned into a +1 on the second date (this time at hers). We awkwardly hung out for a while, then moved to the bedroom and cuddled, and she said “we won’t have sex.” The cuddling on her bed must have changed her mind because she got into kissing and taking off clothes. She’s unable to have kids, just the same evidence as the Kinky Wrestler. Second intentional sex without condoms. It was good8. Also a switch, sex was good.

Gamer Girl and I had date 3 the following week, at mine. This time no sex, but cuddling turned her on again. I feel like she and I have a hard time opening up to each other in conversation, and I personally think she consumes too many youtube shorts and Instagram posts for her age, but I want to see where things go with her. One red flag: I observed she doesn’t talk about sex much outside of the bookends of sex, and she said she doesn’t want to feel used just for sex. There’s a comfort test in there and I’m not sure how to “pass” it. 4th date set for later this week.

The second coffee date from Friday turned into me picking her up. She lived with her parents and didn’t have a car, but lived too far for me to consider picking her up and bringing her to mine (and I didn’t prioritize her enough to consider ubering her). A professional conversation killer. Picked her up, went to a park she mentioned she’d had sex in before, and basically felt weird “I don’t know how to be social so I expect the guy to carry the conversation” vibes from her. When I asked her for feedback on what I could improve, she implied almost exactly that, saying I should talk more. I almost laughed out loud at the irony.

Was unsure if I actually wanted to have sex with her but felt some amount of obligation, until the clothes came off and I realized how big she was. Was still going to give her a good time with my fingers until I found out she “doesn’t get horny” (she liked sex for the attention and “fun”). That rained on my parade9. Told her I wasn’t interested in continuing things with her, casual or romantic, and that we weren’t a good match. I was a bit risky here because she could have been crazy, but my uncalibrated bluntness didn’t backfire on me this time.

The rest of the leads from the previous post have either indicated disinterest, not replied recently, mentioned being busy, or otherwise entered Texting Purgatory. Just keep rolling them over and pinging occasionally, like you would with compost or manure10. Most of my texting consists of the vestiges of memorized toolkit texts by PlayingwithFire, a few things I’ve tested myself, such as on the FET app, and the rest is potshot by-the-seat-of-my-pants just-enough-to-bring-a-few-leads-in texts. It’s lazy. It’s suboptimal. It’s not even a solid funnel or system11. Yet it can work enough of the time. You don’t have to be perfect to get laid, just try.

Over the summers and breaks at home since beginning my journey I’ve developed a default system to bring in leads, and slowly worked through the kinks to lose my virginity then broke down my ideas of “what’s impossible“. Most of my game still comes off as nice-guy game, “keeping her in my bubble” like Bodi, but I keep enough edge some of the time. Another point to improve.

I now use a calendar to arrange dates. Better than keeping date plans in my head, lazily dropping them, and having the details of when/where only in text convos/vague memories.

Additionally, had a +1 at my home more recently. She was bigger than her pictures to the point of being somewhat but not unfuckably fat, read as insecure about herself, as “nice fat girls” tend to be, had a pretty face I would have loved if she was 40 pounds lighter; overall a marginal notch that I didn’t really expect to actually show up (positive) or be so big (negative).

This past week, I took a test for STDs to check about 10 different ones. I don’t see this topic discussed often in this community even by those who love going without condoms (e.g. RedQuest). My first comprehensive panel. I had a slight worry of one STD slipping up a bit with the Amsterdam girl [post incoming, eventuallytm], and wanted to check after the incubation period, especially after I could have passed things onto recent partners. Came back clean, a relief, though I was mentally prepared to learn how to live with an STD and inform said partners.

Unfortunately, as great as it sounds to live in the middle of nowhere, my sex-conservative parents (in whose house I reside) set rules against the continued sexfest. Logistics just became tighter without “my place” as an option. Yet another reason to move—when I can. For now, that means a new phase in my seduction technique.

Additionally, had a coffee date with a very conservatively-raised girl who seems like a virgin who wants to try new things, but will need perhaps a few dates before a potential notch. I’m going to blend the skills I’ve learned as a player with my parent’s wishes (for now) and see what I can learn.

Several more flakes (one even being late to finish an appointment, who was then so “shy and nervous” that she didn’t want to text back) catches us up to present.

New “Building” Phase Begins

This new phase of my life focuses less on player sex strategy and more on establishing an overall baseline, similar to Madd Monk up until his recent excursion. Specifically, I want to move. But to move anywhere, I need to find a job that pays well enough to justify the move.

For now, that means instead of cold approach or active date setup, my life will revolve around job applications, community-building, improving diet12 and capitalizing on gym habits, and relationship-aligned dates that I screen for the ability to meet my blue-pilled parents. This building phase could last another month, or a whole year. In the meantime, less dating stories to come. Write your own!

Other Stuff
  • I’m continuing to read RedQuest, reminding myself of lessons learned and learning new ones previously obscured by inexperience. Also reading “How Fiction Works” and “Getting To Yes.”
  • Pancakemouse focuses heavily on frame callouts. He’s building a community too, worth checking out if you’re in the NYC area. I respect him but disagree with some takes, like a strong insistence that London Daygame (LDM) is so poor it’s a sub-level of game and posting others’ biased critiques about it. It sounds more like dogmatic belief than informed opinion, but that’s my read on the matter. Haven’t tried “official LDM” myself yet.

Take what’s useful, discard the rest. Apply the same rule of thumb to LDM, PancakeMouse, RedQuest, and my opinions.

  • Nash/Daysofgame joined the ring of coaches I’d recommend. Interesting to see. When I first read bits of his blog it came off as “this guy is a nerdy guy like me!” but he actually has (and had) game. Now that RedPillDad isn’t in the ring, Nash’s a guy I’d recommend checking out for coaching, alongside Thomas Crown and possibly (transparently high-price, and more for mindset and accountability than game itself IMO) KYIL Andy & Cam.

Keep rolling,


  1. At least, more of the time. ↩︎
  2. as in, “I ‘love’ the way you kiss” ↩︎
  3. she and her boyfriend/”Daddy” ↩︎
  4. admittedly also one that protects my occasionally-fragile ego ↩︎
  5. as you may have guessed from the last post ↩︎
  6. If they didn’t block me and bothered to read the text, including that the word “love” is used as an emphatic word rather than a feeling word ↩︎
  7. Because of this mindset, I haven’t yet watched the second main video of our second sex encounter. ↩︎
  8. Hard to compare sex with & without condoms yet ↩︎
  9. One of the biggest parts of my sexual fulfillment is knowing that I’m doing a “good job” and turning my partner on ↩︎
  10. My phone only allows for 9 pinned conversations at a time, so juggling several of the leads takes finesse and regularly scrolling through my texts to follow up in time ↩︎
  11. Though I will improve over time, and will make a system of bantering more similar to what Nash and Magnum showcase here ↩︎
  12. Started zero sugar recently, with the occasional cheat day ↩︎

Follow RedQuest’s Example Pt. 3 – Expand Your Game Network

RedQuest changed my life. Part 3 of an appreciation series.

RedQuest has said he’s leaving the game, and here I write about this man’s influence on me. Continued from here and here.

RedQuest has done some impressive things here for a hobby blogger who never started official coaching (but recommends it for guys getting into the game). Here’s some of the highlights:

He’s written a free PDF on SEX CLUBS, NON-MONOGAMY, AND GAME that’s about 100 pages long. It’s mostly too advanced or for different scenarios than what I can encounter, but it helped me to enjoy, rather than panic at, my first sex club experience in Berlin.

He’s coached several guys in person–even recently–and helped many more of us online. Most of the advice he gave me in comments or in private DMs points out a blind spot of mine or reminds me of the applicable basics, as many good coaches do.

He inspired me to write my blog too, and include links to outside sources as applicable. I’ve always thought he did so to advance the conversation, help readers further, and show he’s not just bullshitting, so I decided to do the same. I might be part right.

RedQuest inspired me to lose my virginity (at that point I was on the right path, but his book, THE GOOD GIRL, was an enjoyable read and demonstrated in a visceral way how “leading” is implemented through the course of a relationship from first contact to leading in sex clubs).

Networks in Game

As a guy who focused around building a network, RedQuest introduced me to many other people in this space, including:

  • Andy from KillYourInnerLoser, who gave me a framework to start moving forward as a beginner and a more private forum to come together with others on, as well as inspiration for how I want my ideal relationship to look like and more empathy with girls, and the knowledge “I can do it too” and the challenge to make that knowledge into a belief through action.
  • RedPillDad, whose site has now gone private, but coached me and helped encourage the beginning of my travels into game.
  • Krauser, who is too intense and seems a bit too unempathetic and crass (as RQ says, “a flaming, incredible racist) for me, but has inspired many with information such as this awesome article about the practical parts of writing your player blog.
  • DaysOfGame (Nash), who inspired me as a fellow man who loves Japan and Japanese girls, as well as being a more romantic guy (but still retaining a “dangerous” sexual edge) who’s done far more cold approach than I.
  • XBTUSD – a few cool posts, but his blog is down.
  • Caleb Jones, via Andy (KYIL), who’s a devisive figure on both dating and business and RQ isn’t a fan of, but who I did pick up a few useful things from as I went through a phase of following him.
  • MaddMonk, a fellow learner and blogger.
  • GoodLookingLoser, whose blog has aged but still has some useful basics and encouragement, if you can find an archive of the site somewhere.
  • Joe the photographer, indirectly through the KYIL forums, for my first decent pictures.
  • Richard Hanania, who has some connections to the game but focuses more on politics and society in a more reality-based way than most republicans or democrats or modern media seem to.
  • Aella, who is one of the most openminded , experienced, and empathetic female figures I know online.
  • Mr. Money Mustache, who revealed to me it’s really up to me how much money I save and how much financial freedom I develop.
  • Many other guys on the KYIL forums, both in person and online.

Guys who recognize the power of aiming to learn truth, skeptically reading new things that may contradict your views and comparing what they say to reality, and not dogmatically following one or two people’s ideas without reservation, would do well to cultivate a diverse list of inspirations to their knowledge and worldview, some of whom will disagree on various topics. Not only that, but networks have power–encourage others, and sometimes receive encouragement in turn. Create value. Cite your sources. Guys will respect that you’re trying, if nothing else, but building a network is so much more than that. Take inspiration from RedQuest on this.

Thank you RedQuest. You’ve changed my life and kept me from bitter paths, or living life as a sheeple, or living the life my parents planned for me (graduate college, get a corporate/government job, work 10-20 years until some girl takes pity on me and marries for the social acceptance of being with a “gentleman” with a good job, then eventually losing half of my savings in a divorce and wondering why porn was always better than the sex I had with her).

Sex is awesome. RedQuest, while you may leave the game, your legacy here, on and off the internet, will live on. With this post series, I celebrate you and your contributions to the game (and men’s lives).

Learn from RedQuest Pt. 2: Lessons I’ve learned

Some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from Redquest, a long but not comprehensive list with links

RedQuest has said he’s leaving the game, and here I write about this man’s influence on me. Continued from this post, and continued further here.

Some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned:

There’s dozens, and maybe hundreds, of lessons that Red Quest articles (and the many links to other sources found within them) impart, but many are situationally applicable—I’ll be talking with an offline daygamer or nightgamer friend, and he’ll say something or I’ll say something and then the title or essence of a post of RQ’s will come to mind. (As I’m writing this, that very situation happened last night: a good-looking offline regular daygamer with me in Krakow was talking about how he likes to excite girls, which prompted me to think of BDSM skills for players.)

Some titles are paraphrased, some are exact articles. I could go into why all of these lessons have become so transformational for me, but with the goal again of not publishing my first novel through this thank-you post, I’ll only note a few of them and let the rest stand on their merits themselves:

I came up with this list in one sitting. I’ll probably think of more later, but even this list of things I misunderstood or did not know before, that I learned specifically from Red Quest through his posts (whether he stated them explicitly as the point of a post or in the flow of explanation). If there was any doubt of the value of RedQuest’s experience and website, at least for this NightRoller guy writing, let it be put to death here.

RedQuest has also done some impressive things here for a hobby blogger who never started official coaching, which is in the next post.

+1 American in Prague

Saw this girl twice, and she brings self-awareness and kindness to the table.

(Details of this blog have been redacted upon request.)

General Travel Stuff

I met and talked with a guy from the KillYourInnerLoser here in the Czech Republic, who in my opinion has an excellent profile but who is still working on his texting after just starting his journey in earnest this year–he echoed my thinking: my profile looks like a nerdy basic guy (but good photos), not a guy who could and would f*ck the everliving shit out of a girl (in the best of ways) and leave her weak-kneed and in love, as opposed to his profile, which gives that vibe.

I struggle to create the right vibes in person too; that is partly because of my style (I still wear glasses–hard to pack enough daily contacts for the road and haven’t gotten corrective eye surgery yet), and partly because of my frame, confidence level, and social skills. I need to build another thing to excite the cute party girls, because going to bars isn’t yet in my repertoire and won’t be until I move out from my parents in the U.S. As RedQuest reminded me often, the solution is to go talk to more girls,

“Main lesson is a pretty common one… talk to more girls!”


… though, building up rapport with deeper-thinking girls is doable enough for me (when I like them) as long as they’re not too deep in believing *everything* the academic world says.

The LR

I’m still not sure how long I’ll keep posting explicit “love reports” and +1’s like this.

Due to the aforementioned post-publish request for detail removal, I think it’s a wakeup call I should keep these stories in a private journal except in the rare cases where a snippet of a story serves useful for an example of something. I want to remember the good experiences and learn from the bad, but I don’t want to make people feel bad about themselves in the process.

We had a good time. We met twice. Some particular aspects about how we communicated together made for an especially good time and interesting conversation. I would be open to seeing her again, but it depends on the future and how things go. I want us both to grow and become better people, which may or may not preclude us meeting again. Have empathy for girls. Not every girl will have empathy back, but some will. Treasure it when you find it.

+3 Finger-F*cking the Friend, and Other College Stories [LR]

Three stories recounting the last bits of fun college has in store for NightRoller…

So this week we see a continuation of the story begun in the “Drunk Friend’s Kiss” post. But before that, enjoy a few other logs of my adventures, which I needlessly delayed.

Edit: I added some more details to the first story, which may be useful for beginners, and added a follow-up to the last, which had an interesting sequence of events following the first night…

Busty Kinky Spontaneous Fun

I mentioned this briefly in the first few lines of this forum post (requires an account), for reference for myself and anyone else keeping track (mostly myself).

This story occurred with a busty quarter-Filipina, a very nice girl. She was surprised when I gave a back massage and fingered her after I came and generally cared about giving her a good time. Apparently most of her experiences in the past told her guys are selfish and just care about getting their d*ck wet, whereas some guys want to give the girl the best time she’s ever had in bed and care about whether she’s enjoying it (you’re reading the blog of one now), whether it’s meant as a retention strategy, to stoke one’s ego, from outright enjoying giving the girl pleasure, or genuinely caring for the girl.

We matched on Tinder a couple weeks ago, and when she asked for a dance lesson and “tonight” (the night of the day we matched) was among the options she was free, I knew it was a decent shot, and it was probably better to strike while she was open and spontaneous… though she wasn’t very sexual in text and not super responsive with the usual logistics for arriving. But she did come out and arrive, I gave her a kiss next to my window and then the clothes came off.

She did get her personal dance lesson. “The sexy fucker who cares”. I want that to be my new title. Aimed to give her the mindset of “we’re on the same team” from Andy instead of combativeness, which also seemed to surprise her. Empathy is too rare in men’s toolkits. Told me she originally intended to meet me for just a dance lesson but underestimated how hot I’d be in person (haha!)

She was not as energetic as some, but active in a way that reminds me somewhat of Seductress Girl and turned me on enough to host her at my place for a round 2. Shy, but a bit more sexually forward once she was comfortable, and helped to remove my belt and wanted to suck my c*ck. Liked the taste of my dick, apparently. I’d put her at a 6 or 6.5. Really cute, loved sex, kinky, a switch, loved being “a good girl” for me, but was also fun to talk to. She didn’t like her boobs, ironically. This is the kind of girl I’d be fine with “settling” for for a few months/couple years, if only I wasn’t leaving the area soon. Hope to see her again, but she’s mostly ghosted since we met, so it may not work out despite living relatively close.

I had another post-it-note of thoughts about her, but don’t have it handy as I type this, so I’ll update this post later.


From her, and by conglomerating the feedback I’ve received from other girls, I must have an above-average d*ck, or at least a strongly above-average ability to use it. Never taken out the tape measure when I was at my hardest, but apparently I’m “thick” (when she told me this, I thought she meant my thighs, because of my bulk phase, but she clarified it was referring to my genitals).

I used a lot of “you’re thinking [thing] / you’re like [overexaggerated simplification of how I perceive or guess about her]” in the interaction. Cold reading is a skill. I think I am improving on that front.

I wrote down that this meeting was a “Lay Up”, in how it was practically handed to me on a silver platter. There were a bunch of small places where I could have f*cked up in the past, or would have just been neutral (awkward but fumbling through it), but where I was smooth as creamy peanut butter in this situation.

I hit many, many of her firsts (first time using a toy, first time orgasming with a partner, etc.), enough that I was nervous of overwhelming her. I think I set the bar higher for the next guys she sees! Sadly, will not likely see her again, as she ghosted–except for a couple butt-dials when my notifications were off at night.

Cute “Big” and Kind Girl Slips Past My Defenses

A lay with a bigger girl, small enough to slip past my still-improving filter of left-swiping on bigger girls (I keep getting told by RedPillDad (who I would link, but his old site is private) to step up the quality of the girls I see, and I’m trying little by little), but she was cute enough, nice enough, and sufficiently interesting in person that I didn’t turn down the opportunity despite her being quite big in real life. I got to try flogging and proper spanking for the first time and gave her a few firsts too. Good times, good experiences overall. She wasn’t needy or clingy either, which helped me maintain interest while we hung out. I could tell she wanted to keep seeing me, but after 1 date afterwards, I turned down the attention while recognizing that her size bored/disinterested me (it was difficult to get very deep in her, for instance).

One thing I’ve observed from seeing so many bigger girls is that they tend to have a higher pain tolerance and take more stimulation to get turned on, on average, so grabbing, scratching, biting, spanking, and similar are more required to cause the same reaction/pleasure/orgasm as a more healthy-bodied girl.

The Friend Wants To Be Desired/Seduced

As promised, the continuation of “Drunk Friend’s Kiss”. But first, let’s set the scene of that day:

I had a coffee date earlier that morning with an unrelated girl I matched with on Tinder, who I brought back to my room similar to the first girl in this post to see if she was open to makeouts and more with the premise that we’d listen to each others’ music, but she kept distance from me the whole time and I had a difficult time turning things away from the logical. Very little eye contact too, despite even coming into my room. As a last-ditch effort, I verbalized that I was nervous and wanted to kiss her, and she asserted a no-kissing-on-first-dates rule. I replied that I didn’t believe in arbitrary rules for dates, but said I would respect her for it. Better move in the future: instead of agreeing to her arbitrary line, challenge her on it verbally. Is it something she really believes in, or is it just a screen to find the guys who are confident enough to make a move? She said she’d “think about” whether she wanted a next date, which means, ~3/4 of the time, a delayed no.

I had a date planned with someone from Tinder who was horny and wanted to see me, but kept coming up with excuses (which she would discard if I made her horny again) why she couldn’t do our date later that day’s evening, such as getting banged by a guy the previous evening and regretting it (which she did after we set up our date a week ago for this day—if you’re not f*cking her, somebody is; as RedQuest says, “why not have that person be me?“). I’d turned it around over text a few times, but she finally said that morning that “she couldn’t make it” and I simply replied with “I understand”, accepting it wasn’t worth the effort to try to make her fit in my tight schedule.

So I was primed to kiss someone pretty on this day, maybe a little needy. But focused. And when the friend who kissed me drunk excited-texted me 4 or 5 messages in a row, I knew that there was a chance we could get into things.

I kept my expectations low and hopes high.

She wanted me to make the move, and signs pointed to her wanting me to make one, but in no way was any of it explicit; in that regard it was not at all like the dates I’ve had where it’s “on”; she also kept shifting the topic to all sorts of random things whenever we would have quiet and have eye contact, or when things turned sexual. She was nervous too, it turned out.

She was definitely thinking about us kissing, or more; she was open to coming to my room, which we hadn’t done before during this year (most of the time, we go to her room to chill, and don’t ever stay more than a minute in my room, but she was happy to bring her chair to mine). She interpreted my actions as being “disappointed” when she suggested we go out to get dinner at a nearby restaurant and assured me we’d be back soon enough (I was about 50/50 on whether that was just flowery words or an actual promise). She mentioned on our dinner that she was feeling unsure about how to go about trying non-monogamy options, which her current main love interest was most interested in. Funny how, if you’re a girl and interested in a guy, you tend to fall under his frame on what is “okay” vs. “not okay”, and casual sex with others is now “okay”.

Once again looking back with the benefit of hindsight, she wanted to be made to do things, and I wanted to make sure I didn’t overstep and push things too far and ruin our friendship by her losing respect, which led to a few hours of talking (plus dinner) before we even started kissing, much less getting undressed. She also revealed later once we were losing clothes and I was handling objections that she worried that by opening sexually to me, that I would see her differently. (To be honest, my view on her changed even before she kissed me drunk, as I began to recognize female psychology applied to her and she wasn’t just an exception. So at this point, my views are settled and sex didn’t change my opinion of her.)

Funnily, during our conversation, when I finally got closer and was approaching the topic and possibility of us kissing, she expressed to me that she interpreted my change in the past couple years as happening after she told me what her sexual preferences are and that she liked some BDSM-related stuff. Honey, no, sad to say but I’ve been reading up on what most girls like, but nice for you to think I thought of you while doing it. She wants the story to be about her, to be swept off her feet by a guy making effort to woo her, coming from being a super “weird”, nerdy, unattractive guy who “wasn’t her type” and was “too skinny”. She emphasized all of those things, all of those reasons why I wasn’t a good fit for her, and I don’t know if it was just a defense to try to deter me or to deter herself, but it didn’t stop us from kissing or getting intimate later that evening.

She was very nervous and wanted to know that I really wanted her and wasn’t just saying it or pretending it. She wanted to know I would genuinely like to f*ck her, because she has nerves and insecurities about how she looks and doesn’t believe others when they say positive stuff (but still wants to hear the positive things all the time to stoke her ego).

Once again, she very much desires to be triumphantly right, and was very disappointed when I rated her kissing as mediocre. So it goes.

Cute tits, pretty face, thinner than she lets herself think, and squirms all over when close to coming–reminded me even more of Seductress girl than the big-breasted girl at the top of this post.

The one boundary she set was not putting my d*ck in, which I followed, but lots of finger f*cking and several orgasms. She claimed that getting f*cked by two different new guys in the same 7-day period would be too much (I forgot that it’s been longer than a week, and should have mentioned that… once her forebrain would have said “okay sure” her hindbrain would have been delighted to give in, from my point of view).

I learned a lot from her because we’ve been friends for some time, so there’s some things we can say more easily to each other and curious questions were not rebuffed.

In the end, I didn’t jerk off or get jerked off, but partly because she’s proud about having “not had sex” (in her mind), I want to be contrarian and claim it counts anyway, whether I put my d in or not. By how tight and buoyant and well-lubed my fingers felt inside her, I don’t doubt she’d feel fantastic if I do f*ck her in the time that we’re still in the same area…

She mentioned that she was surprised I was so good in bed, when I asked how I stacked up. My boasts are not unfounded; I’ve learned that much. She’s not very experienced, so the guy she’s now in love with (who’s half-across the globe right now) seemed fantastic compared to the loser guy she was engaged with (who likes videogames and is too engineer-type to think about sex as a skill), but any guy with above-average skills would be able to show her a fantastic time if they got through her filter.

I’m going to continue to keep her as a friend, because we know each other so well, but when the occasion arises, if she’s also open to getting her mind blown, I’m not opposed to being friends with a little extra fun in the mix. I may even have my d*ck in her at some point. Either way, we got to learn a lot about each other by the end of the night that we’d never discussed before, due to the veil of being friends before (and, she mentioned, she was more interested in hearing about all the girls I was seeing… she loved when I mentioned that how she squirmed reminded me of Seductress Girl, who I occasionally miss and remember fondly).

The saga may continue…

Update: And so it does

Firstly, for the next three nights she joined me in my bedroom. As I recall them, the second night (out of the total of 4), she came over with the pretense of wanting another back massage because “when she woke up the previous morning she’d been ‘not sore’ for the first time since she was a kid”. Back massages are a serious skill. Once again, we kissed, I used my arms and gave her a wild night on my fingers, but not my d*ck. She said this time was even better than the previous, and that I was now actually better than the guys she’d played with before. More cuddling, more interesting and useful talk and questions. Oh, and I might have tied her up with some rope, just for fun. I gave her a different kind of orgasm too–one where she felt like instead of forcing it and letting it happen, it forced itself over her.

The third night I forget what reason she came over, I may have invited her to just chill spontaneously that night or we might have planned it. Either way, it was similar to the previous night in how it flowed, with even less rough patches from either of us, and we made it an awesome time. I actually started to feel tired at one point in my arms from the consecutive days’ exertions, but I didn’t feel the need to slow down before she was exhausted. We talked more, she mentioned she worried that if we had sex she didn’t want it to affect our relationship as friends who talk about sex, and worried also that I would be so good she’d want to leave her current pseudo-boyfriend. I don’t want a relationship with her either beyond friends-who-also-happen-to-bang-the-shit-out-of-each-other, so I understood the complaint. She also squirted for the first time this night, which was cool.

All the previous nights I’d made fairly plain that I wanted to put my d*ck inside her, and all three nights she’d rebuffed me. I didn’t expect this 4th night to go any different, but I knew it was the last night we’d be in town before we left, and so I was a bit more aggressive. It bears knowing that this whole time, I had kept myself from masturbating/orgasming, in case I might be called to do my duty, but I was not yet. I knew she liked aggression and being liked. Half of me ran on instinct, and half of me ran on seduction when I was more forward with her this time, diving for the kiss and telling her I really wanted to have sex. She asked how bad, and I replied a 9. It progressed and wasn’t a certain thing, until about 6-10 minutes in, when she told me to grab a condom. At that point, it was like “okay, it’s happening“, and we did several positions. She likes control play, being in total control or being totally dominated, with little in between, so it was quite fun. I did notice I’d grown a little tired of her kisses, though; they were still sub-par from what I prefer/am used to. And we parted on good terms, as usual, got to talk about all sorts of stuff beyond the 4th wall that I can’t usually talk frankly about because of the magic of the moment and not knowing the other person well enough. I could understand a bit of where those who say “be friends first before you get married” are coming from, though I still refuse to take their advice.

And with that, as I told RedQuest, I am now “a guy who will, if the opportunity arises, seduce his female friends, and teach them how to be better in bed while also listening to their feedback.”

And now, we make plans to rendezvous this summer, despite the distance, and we’ll see how things continue then. We’ve sexted a couple of times in the interim.

This brings the overall count to 28 more-or-less lovely encounters in the first twelve months since I lost my virginity. Now things will slow down for a time, while I move away from a college campus and out into the middle of f*cking nowhere.

I don’t want to repeat the effort it took (<< see the last few lays in that post) just to be able to get a few more sub-par interactions or instances of car s*x. It did help my texting slightly to get used to using more overt language and become comfortable identifying what worked to text girls back when I used the sub-par apps, but this summer I’ll have some other priorities besides getting my d*ck wet… until I board a plane for Europe (requires an account).

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