Book Review: “Face to Face Flirting” by Karl Magnuz

This was the most ambitious and detailed book review I’ve done yet. I went in wanting to make a thorough review, but invested too much effort in parts that ultimately didn’t matter much. A useful lesson from this is elaborated in better depth in RedQuest’s post “How To Read Books“. Skim more, read less.

Pre-book disclosure:

I was given a copy of Karl Magnuz‘s book Face-to-Face Flirting (F2FF) for free for review. I am not being paid to give a positive review, and I promised a firm but fair review, not one-sided from bias.

Face-to-Face Flirting Overall Review:

I went into this book with high enthusiasm, was progressively disappointed over the first 5 chapters1, gained hope in the 6th, and enjoyed the detail and helpfulness of the rest of the book.

The author displays the same kinds of knowledge-strengths I’ve observed in coaches and others hailing from Europe Daygame spaces. While I don’t know what Euro coaches don’t know2, the weak parts of F2FF were areas often shallowly mentioned by Europe Daygame guys IME, with lack of nuance in Red-Pill concepts and an over-assertive tone despite little nuance3. The book left lots of untouched areas, e.g. BDSM, sex clubs, etc. that guys might explore later in their journey if they’re “weird” like me.

Summarized and Selected Specific Points of Feedback Sent to the Author4
  • In my feedback, I suggested that certain topics could benefit from more detailed exploration and references to external resources, such as the chapter on Archetype.
  • I criticized the writing style for being unpolished in parts and suggested smoother transitions and better introductory sentences.

The writing is better & overall more polished in the daygame chapters. “Read the Daygame material, discard the rest…” […] The book is stronger with the daygame content first (quite possibly in exclusion to everything else).

  • As alluded to in other points, but more explicitly, I criticized the introductory chapters for not providing a clear on-ramp for readers, which led to confusion.
  • I clarified that the order of the information could be rearranged and a better introduction to the book could be made to better guide the reader.
  • My expertise lies more in online dating & a little Daygame & Social game, so regular Daygamers e.g. Thomas Crown and Breeze would have an interesting/different perspective on the book, particularly Chapter 10 or so. (Edit: Thomas Crown reviewed it here. I haven’t yet read his review.)
  • I criticized the book for inconsistencies in formatting, capitalization, and grammar, and one instance of repetition.
Some Commentary
  • Quote from the book: “When a kiss is ‘on’ you can sense it. Don’t go for a kiss if you’re not sure if she’s ready.”

    My response: “Hard disagree. You give a couple of ways to bridge from not kissing to kissing, but a guy might still not be sure she’s ready yet after those. I recommend such a guy check out GoodLookingLoser’s guide to losing your virginity for some additional suggested intermediary steps.”
  • Quote from the book: “It’s [false time constraints] a useful tool that nobody else teaches in the context of daygame cold approach (to my knowledge).”

    My response: “No surprise, but [KM] and I both have limited knowledge. I remember Thomas Crown reminding me to use false time constraints like that one in his in-person coaching.

    “I know I’ve heard TaySocial (when he existed, I don’t know if he still does and don’t know if his game is technically advanced enough to be worth learning from), A.G. Hayden (on YouTube), Karisma King (on YouTube), Alex from PwF, and several others use similar examples of “two seconds”, “five seconds”, “just a second”, and so on. Glad it’s in [KM’s] toolkit, and glad it’s not a rare skill being taught given how effective it seems to be at conveying that we don’t mean to impose on the girl while giving space for her to give herself permission to stay.”
  • Quote from the book:”Shake her hand with a strong, firm grip – this in itself will display dominance.”

    My response: “No! That’s not how that works! (This is so goofy…) I’m chuckling at the thought. Maybe it’s just because I’m in the U.S., but in my experience & the experience of most guys I’ve seen discuss the topic, shaking hands is not a good thing to do unless you want a friendly vibe or quick dismissal (in the U.S.), and it has no such inherent claim to dominance!

    “If it’s natural for you (to shake her hand during your approach) vs not doing it, feel free to try it, but I wouldn’t recommend a guy go out of his way to practice/remember shaking hands with the girl in the set. […]”

Thus concludes my overarching and highlighted details of honest feedback about KM’s book. During and after reading the book, I asked myself:

Who would this book be good for?

My answer: This book would be an option for a two different groups of guys:

  1. A total beginner who is easily intimidated by detailed texts and needs a simple surface level answer, who wants recommendations for how to start improving without any justification for why5.
  2. Guys who want to focus on learning or improving Daygame, who don’t care about and/or already have enough knowledge about the “context” information included at the beginning. I’d recommend it if you’re relatively early on your Daygame journey, i.e. <500 approaches or so.

Either way, I recommend skipping to Chapter 7 for readers who don’t think/don’t know if they’ll find value in the initial chapters. I perceived the later chapters as stronger and more nuanced, and certainly more helpful for a reader who respects his own time.

Thanks to Karl Magnuz for the chance to improve my reviewing skills and give him feedback in turn.

Keep on rolling,

– NightRoller

P.S. If you have another book you’d recommend I review with my current level of life experience, particularly books relevant to game, feel free to reach out.

  1. (which dealt with concepts of masculinity and the dating market on a macro scale) ↩︎
  2. (Because people don’t typically pontificate on what they don’t know, myself included in this review and recent blog posts (the beginning of my blog notwithstanding). It’s easier help others with what I DO know or report on my own experiences.) ↩︎
  3. (Nuance appeared in the later chapters, due to KM’s expertise in doing and explaining Daygame, I assume based on my read of the book) ↩︎
  4. Some of these are with the assistance of ChatGPT, because I wrote a few dozen post-it notes of raw feedback originally. ↩︎
  5. (Likely not anyone reading this blog) ↩︎

Key Seducer Skill: Read!

Read. Pair with practice. Be a well-read seducer.

Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.

Harry S. Truman

Pair this post with this one by RedQuest.

Reading is awesome. It’s one of the most insight-bearing activities we can do that still manages to be passive and (usually) not value-bearing. And it claims to bring us the closest to another human’s mind or experience than any other method can.

Personally, when I read vs. don’t, life improves:

  • When I’m not taking direct action, reading keeps me focused on doing the indirect actions to move to a position where I can take action.
  • When I’m not taking any action at all, reading galvanizes me to take action, with the awesome things I could be achieving tantalizing me (like sex clubs).
  • When already taking action, reading heartens and encourages and inspires. My best ideas and connections thus far have come from phases when I read.

Quality matters too. Don’t spend all your time reading AskReddit posts and comments. Read deep, and read wide. Read books and essays that you don’t fully understand, read fiction and lay reports to learn and be entertained, and at risk of listing cliches forgotten in a minute and never implemented, think critically about what you read, both what’s written and what’s NOT included.

You don’t have to be “on” all the time while reading. Same for date conversation. But to be “off” all the time is a waste of opportunity, for practice or improvement.

I’ve accumulated a long list of material to read, meant to make a list of it all, and finally decided to focus and sum it up in one place. Plus a list here aids accountability and makes it convenient to link reviews. I’ll update this list over time.

The majority of these books are recommended by RedQuest or others in the seduction sphere; others involve hobbies I’m intrigued by and yet haven’t formally studied, e.g. music. Some of them I have in book form or pdfs, others I have yet to buy.

Reading List

In Progress
  • RedQuest’s entire WordPress Blog to date (not including all comments… I’m only human)
  • How Fiction Works
  • Getting to Yes (without giving in)
  • My Secret Garden (Nancy Friday)
  • Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a distracted world
  • Skin in the Game
  • How To Make Friends And Influence People
Not Started
Finished Reading
Ending Thought

Do I, or you, need to read all of these BEFORE taking action?

HELL no. Take action WHILE ALSO READING. You’ll get more from books when you have real life action to connect the concepts to. Doing things and reading books stokes creativity—reading alone while your day wastes away is not sustainable long-term for personal growth (not to say I don’t occasionally spend a full day just reading).

While reading through some RedQuest posts, I see more of the ideas and situations presented mirrored in my own life. Perhaps it means I’m on the right track… and fits the theme of his post centered on how there’s different “types” of men, and we’re not as unique as we think.

But read. You may well find yourself wealthier in mind, encouraged in spirit, and a more effective player by the success of those you surround yourself with. It’s a better growth-oriented fertilizer than whatever you’re watching on Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, or whatever else my generation and the ones following have become susceptible to.

Daygame Coaching Experience Review: Thomas Crown, Riga (In-Person)

NightRoller took some coaching from Thomas Crown, and it seems to have done him some good


I had some awesome coaching a week ago with Thomas Crown in Riga, Latvia.

I’d come across Tom’s website while binge-reading articles across the internet about seduction artistry.

He wasn’t coaching then, and I didn’t vibe with his site (maybe because it didn’t have pictures of pretty girls like Krauser’s—haha!—but in all fairness, my bullshit detector was set on a hair-trigger by potentially gimmicky sites when I couldn’t tell beneficial/true game advice from detrimental/uninformed fantasies, and only had my academic website research experience to go on).

Recently I heard Tom’s name a couple times from Breeze when we went out in Krakow, and Breeze said Tom was one of the best lads he knew for Daygame.

So when I heard Tom would be doing coaching in Riga (having heard good things about the city from guys like Joe the photographer), I saw the opportunity to see Riga and learn in person.

During the intake call, where we confirmed my status as a beginner1, Tom seemed like a relaxed, cool guy, like a knowledgable patient uncle, assuaging my fears and previous worries based on his website’s look.

We met in person the day before the actual coaching, letting us ease into it. That meeting proved a useful experience; I learned how fishing for evening sets “works” as I observed Wolfe Daygame and Tom do sets and identify the approachability of the travelers and lovely Latvian girls passing by. I mused how this is one rare hobby when we hope not to see each other again soon when we part2 ways.

Concepts I’d never discovered up until this meet arose while we talked and occasionally greeted the affable passerby. Considering how “approachable” a girl might be to an approach, based on how she’s dressed and how she’s walking, isn’t something I considered seriously3 until after sharing beers with Tom and Wolfe. Related is the concept of experience vs. status girls, mentioned in a later section.

Neither idea is pertinent toward the question of who I should approach right now (I’m a beginner and I ought to gain more daygame experience with all kinds of girls), unless I find myself in conditions where I can afford to be picky (an environment with too many sets)4.

Coaching Proper

The coaching was relaxed and felt low-pressure. As a beginner who’d heard the phrase “London Daygame Model” (or LDM) but never formally studied it, Tom and I found it instructive for him to explain concepts while we walked around between sets that I noticed, or that he pointed out. He was open to letting me do sets as I saw them or giving me a boost, whichever I preferred. I weaseled out of a lot of possible sets, however.

Tom is authoritative but leads in a non-authoritarian way. It was easy to see he’d be good with girls before I even saw him open a set (though he demonstrated a few times when he got a strong signal of interest from a girl—time in set he makes up later, to give the mentee his full paid time). This is a good sign to me, for a coach. It’s also an attitude I’d like to adopt.

Tom gave on-point feedback for my sets, and much of the feedback was along similar veins, cumulating into sticking points we later discussed. As someone who’s seen plenty5 of daygame breakdowns and read plenty6 of material on what constitutes “good” game, I recognized that the sticking points were on the money—sometimes I’d ask why, or be momentarily confused by the precise phrasing Tom used (I’m American, he’s a London guy), or in the case of some new concepts (like the status vs experience girl archetypes) need further explanation, most of it fit within the framework of what I already understood as “necessary” or “important” for game, with a few surprises7.

Tom sent me notes he took that included some personalized points for me to work on, in addition to practicing a proper Daygame model (albeit a simple one). Tom’s coaching, for me as a beginner, as well as for others in the beginner or intermediate phases, is useful not only for the coaching itself, but the trajectory that follows from feedback. I have a starting point, specific parts to work on, a specific simple model8, and a plan for what I’ll do when I return home to the ‘States in a figurative desert of set-less-ness. I will, over time, add nightgame to daygame.

Tom talked about all kinds of things and it was really cool for me to get to ask a daygaming coach specific questions about lifestyle and game. It seems a large part of what leads me into further interest and engagement with this community is talking with the cool guys I meet along the way about game, life, work, and so on, not merely my personal interest in getting good at spreading legs. I hope I’m not motivated “too much” by desire to be part of a community—but that’s likely part of it. Writing my player blog has been marvelous and you should write one too.

I want to live game as a lifestyle, and, knowing how slow change can be, I’m learning more and more that choice of job, desire to build one’s own business, where one lives, hobbies one indulges or nurtures, preferences for venue, and the kinds of experiences all factor into what kind of lifestyle game one could build. There’s no single right answer, but finding jobs that allow for flexibility and leaving work at work seem like good starting points to avoid being broke/having no time to practice cold approach.

Outside of coaching, Tom was also warm and open to inviting me along to other things like grabbing a beer—an almost mythical mundane experience, intriguing because of its novelty to me, where for many in this space it may be a regular occurrence. Tom was an enabler of future success, moreso than a mere in-the-moment mentor. I respect—and I’m greatly appreciative to—him for that.

Some of his feedback focused around my energy in the start of a set: I should come in excited, and calibrate to about one level higher than the girl’s energy, and not be so laid back like a guy who doesn’t care. I should ask some basic get-to-know-you questions and use assumptions to get into them. Too many questions feel like an interview, but cold reads are fun. I need to stop her with dominant presence rather than having a weak or half-hearted open. I need to avoid going into the conversation until I’ve stopped her fully, using body language and strong eye contact to focus on her. I need to get close enough that the moment feels intimate and touch isn’t a giant leap, and I can be less stiff by moving around, especially with an arm or hand.

Most of this post has been focused around my experience of Tom’s Coaching as opposed to the coaching itself, so to rectify that…

In Summary

The coaching is more than I expected from a game coach, and Tom cares about helping you towards your goals, calibrating his coaching to your experience level. To someone who had about 300-350 lifetime approaches, and generally a beginner with no lifetime lays, Tom gave me pertinent advice not only for daygame but other areas of life. Overall, Tom’s a cool guy and someone worth getting instruction from if you’re looking for a coach in Europe and plan to be one of the areas he’ll be in on his trips, or in London.

Caveats: if you think the seduction arts can be played as a sideline sport or without putting your ego on the line, this coaching won’t be for you. If your ego is too big to accept advice or act on it, or you’re only in the U.S. (or on some non-Europe continent), I wouldn’t recommend Tom so much as more accessible options closer to home. Or if Online or Nightgame or social circle game is all you care about, this probably won’t help you towards those ends.

But for those living in Europe who now sit on the fence, whether intermediates looking to move past long-time sticking points or newbies who haven’t even started approaching, I’d recommend this guy as a good option to get you on the right track for Daygame.

“My Notes” from mid-experience

I wrote a lot of notes during the coaching, too many to put here. Some are straight out of the advice Tom gives to the beginners he coaches, while others are my own insights or paraphrasing.

  • Books to add to my to-read list: Daygame Nitro, Daygame Mastery, Daygame Infinite (only when I’m deep intermediate) (All by Krauser), Daygame, Street Hustle (Tom Torrerro)
  • Make the simplest approach possible and practice it while working on the important non-verbals
  • Get her to STOP before going into the opener
  • Think of the simplest set like a sandwich: opener-content-close, bun-filling-bun
  • Push-pull matters less than fundamentals -> fundamentals first, be forward in the meantime
  • Don’t bother with a 100-set day, it’s more likely to lead to burnout and be spam approaching than if you did 20 in one day or 100 in a week. 30 sets a week for a year is more consistently doable
  • If a girl says she’s not interested or has a BF, it’s worth trying a second time by ignoring and continuing, then calibrating off if she says so a second time
  • For a cool multi-country travel plan, I could try alternating Serbia for 3 months then Poland for 3 months to balance my visa logistics (90 day limit in the EU)
  • Homework exercise: Record sets, put aspects (like studies economics, is blonde, went to college, is from France, etc.) I hear about the girl onto note cards, then put 3 jokes on the other side, and try to recall those + add new jokes when I think of them, so I build up a repertoire I can bring out in the middle of a set
  • Homework exercise 2: make a color-word association mental bank
  • Use subtle cues like eye contact matched with physical touch in the right moments to signal covertly that you want to fuck her, when you can, instead of overt
  • status vs experience girls – applicable for daygame, not something worth worrying about for online – status girls being girls who care a lot about their status and e.g. how they are seen by others, and experience girls being more focused on having experiences and caring less about fitting into the status hierarchies by e.g. dressing well (I don’t think I did a good job of explaining it, but this is the basic premise and I know Krauser explores more of it, according to a recent tweet by Nash)

When I (someday) visit London, I hope to hit these guys up and hang out on the streets, picking up girls, talking about game, and enjoying the experience more than feeling nervous about my ability to live up to the daygame spirit.

Keep Rolling.9

  1. albeit with some piecemeal theory bouncing around in the head ↩︎
  2. i.e. someone’s going to try their luck on a set ↩︎
  3. Though Breeze seemed to do the same ↩︎
  4. Though the experience/status scale and judging which sets are more viable seem to be useful distinctions to train myself on. I’ll “build my intuition” for them, as the mathematically inclined might say. ↩︎
  5. read: too many ↩︎
  6. read: too much ↩︎
  7. no, my knowledge isn’t perfect even after reading most of RedQuest’s prolific blog and dozens of videos and articles promising to explain aspects of picking up/attracting/seducing women ↩︎
  8. one of my difficulties in the past has been not knowing what to say in the set and hoping I can cold-read something on the spot; I’ve read Nash’s post on using logistics as your “stack” i.e. to build the conversation before, but I sucked at implementing it and the model Tom gave me to practice relieves that pressure and satisfies the basic logistic questions at the same time ↩︎
  9. I wonder if, given my proclivity towards writing reviews here after getting coaching, this blog could become more useful as a “reviews” or verification resource than actual seduction arts advice… but nobody was coming here for my game insights anyway (right? …if you were, you should read Nash and RedQuest, and if you’ve got the time, give Thomas Crown’s website a look). I want to eventually get Karisma King and/or A.G. Hayden’s coaching (Nightgame) input, and will write a review here if I do so. Maybe I’ll get Nash’s coaching at some point, I heard he started doing so recently—but first, I want/need to take action on what I’ve already learned, and make progress with that. ↩︎

Photography Purchase Review: Dating Unchained

This past November I booked a photoshoot with Joe from Passion Unchained/Dating Unchained. I had never gotten dating profile photos before, nor met anyone from online who had a place in the serious dating scene.

There’s going to be two parts to this: first, a minimally edited review I made after the photoshoot but before I received the photos, and second, a review I’m writing up today based on the impact and effects I’ve had from the photos.

Review Part 1: The Shoot

Joe is an artist, he works with what you give him. I came prepared, but some people might not take the advice for wardrobe necessities or practicing the facial modeling, but you get what you put into it. He does his best to make you look good, so make sure you’re looking as close to your best as you can–but even if you have an abrupt issue, he’ll help you work around it to show off your best side to the camera.

He showed me photos during the shoot, giving us both time to put input on poses, background, facial expressions, and more.

We had a debrief at the end of the shoot where we talked about some dating topics.

He helped me make sure I was feeling good about having done enough poses and photos before we finished. I do wish I’d written down the ideas I’d thought of before the shoot, to make sure I didn’t leave anything out we had the feasibility to do on the shoot day, but overall I feel like we leveraged the time and location very efficiently and hit all of my main desired photos.

The course of the shoot is not just a service; it’s an opportunity to get to know the photographer, while he gets to know about you and the camera learns about you at the same time. Joe’s a knowledgeable and connected guy and it’s fun to pick his brain. He also has a wicked sense of humor and deadpan delivery that went over my head a few times (I believed some pretty incredible things for a few seconds).

Joe knows TheRedQuest blog and has worked with Playing With Fire, which added some brownie points to him in my mind as I got to know him (I have a theory junkie side*). Worth noting, Playing With Fire is, in my opinion, one of the most detailed and comprehensive Youtube channels for contemporary online dating, and Joe has much of that knowledge and experience himself. It’s worth asking any nagging questions you’ve had about online dating while you have his ear.

I want to ask him how he works out and meets girls, because he’s traveling regularly and it seems it would be inconsistent timing to go to a gym.

He also goes really into the photography, i.e. expect it to be a several-hour shoot. I’m glad we stopped when we did, as I realized when we stopped that I was beginning to get posing fatigue.**

Joe has a good eye for the city. I wasn’t super familiar with the midwest city we met for the shoot in, but he found some awesome locations for photo shoots with several varied backgrounds within a 2 block radius (though we also visited a few other locations during the shoot).

*Had, now writing this post it’s less true as I take more action.

**Nowadays I’ve had more practice with the fundamentals, but I haven’t done any marathon photoshoots recently so can’t claim expertise.

An example picture Joe took of a client (included with permission)

Review Part 2: 6 Months After

With these photos, I can confidently say I’ve gotten 2-3 times as many likes/matches on dating apps than I did before, when I’ve had my dating profiles set up.*

Most of my Tinder profiles are photos from these shoots, with a few I’ve taken or had with friends thrown into the mix.

I’ve also been slowly using them on Instagram, and found them to be very effective there. I’d like to try my hand at Instagram Game eventually but don’t plan to get serious with it until I’ve built up my profile for a while longer. I get a lot of comments and compliments from semi-cute girls and some guy friends on social media from the photos.

They were relatively super-effective on the lower-quality dating apps like Badoo, Taimi, Hily, and a couple others I can’t recall, but they required so much effort to make it work (low-volume) and the girls on the apps were that it wasn’t worth bothering (too much of a time sink, almost like masturbation). With regular photos, I wouldn’t have gotten any luck on those apps.

The pictures have come in handy for several non-dating spaces as well.

Having these photos gives me more flexibility and a greater ceiling for the results I can find from online. I do think they were worth it, and I can tell that investing in the photos also showed me myself that I’m taking this seriously. I’m considering getting another photoshoot in the distant future, when I’m a little older and more muscular (going to improve abs and shoulders the next time I have a shoot), which will also show off some tattoos I’ve gotten since.

It’s difficult to just talk about the quality of the photos without showing examples, so keep in mind that if you’re curious (I won’t say which client I am, for obvious reasons) you can check out some examples of his photos here:

*I have had several periods of the past 6 months where I got banned on Tinder and/or Hinge and it took me significant time and mental effort to go through the steps necessary to get back on them. I got 0 extra matches during periods when I didn’t put in the effort to use the photos by setting up a profile.

Peer Into Red Quest’s Mind and Seduction Process with “The Good Girl”

A few weeks ago, I obtained a copy of RedQuest’s “The Good Girl”. This is my first time making a public review instead of giving private criticism on someone’s prose—so enjoy the terrific randomness as I completely miss the main point(s) and overemphasize the details and inconsistencies that stood out to me in one of the ways RedQuest influenced me.

Overarching ideas:

In “The Good Girl,” RedQuest opens himself up. The book provides a window into RQ’s doubts and “guesstimation” as he calibrates. It takes the description far beyond what you find in a Lay Report; readers can get an in-the-moment view of what it feels like to have advanced game.

Fans of his blog will recognize many of the themes and phrases contained in the book; as Red Quest himself said here and in private,

“There are like 6 – 10 main themes I hit in various ways”

…and though I missed having a few hundred hyperlinks to click on while reading the book, it was enjoyable to see those themes pop up when they did.

Red Quest, I don’t hold it against you in as much as affecting my opinion of your blog, but you jerk(ed) off too much. I hesitated to criticize when you’re significantly more experienced than me, but this is one area where your past self could improve (whether you’ve made the change yet or not). If we as men keep our fire inside of us, it helps us not only with girls (and the drive to meet/find them), but in the passion and ambition for work and hobbies and other non-game parts of life. It’s an anti-doping mechanism, whereas masturbating can lead to sluggishness and lower motivation.

Confidence is sexy, as I am told by girls in real life, and feel tempted to repeat back (of course, I have yet to see any confident girls I feel confident in seducing). Red Quest has an abundance of it. He’s seen the sights and knows how to take a girl from A to Z—carefully.

Smaller, more random notes:

Observant readers will notice–upon opening the book–a lack of publisher or typical fluff found in mainstream literature. Nothing about the creation of the book except an ISBN # (how do you get one of those, RQ?), the print date (my copy was made last month), and that it was “Made in the USA”. The story jumps right in, no fluff added. Just like effective escalation, simple and gets the job done.

Much of the material was beyond my “level“. It was interesting being a voyeur of a sex party, alongside RQ and the girl he brought.

There was some confusing switching between “[the girl’s name]/her” and “You” in the same sections at times. Eventually it was apparent they meant one and the same, “you” meaning “the girl”. It made my grammar sensibilities tingle, especially on page 36.

There was a curious reference to “nam-shub”… I wonder, Red Quest, whether you’ve read “Snow Crash,” or where you came across that concept?

I liked the detail about a disassemblable couch. Portability is not something I had put much thought into, but it will be an important detail to consider once I move out on my own.

I felt a part of me sympathized with a section on page 91, which says, “A restless part of me wants to tell her about the fuck party we’d recently attended.” I have often had to hold back from talking about my sexual exploit and the fact I’m working on myself, including game… and perhaps because I like trumpeting my own horn, I frequently fail to keep from spilling those beans. It may prove my downfall in a society where this type of self-improvement is frowned upon, not necessarily in its goals or methods, but for ruining the “magic” of the romance/sex dance.

The intensity with which Red Quest is strongly in love with the girl at the foci of this book is as inspiring as it is motivating, to me. I recently had a discussion with a wise old family member of mine who knows the broad strokes of my current sexual market strategy (to gain confidence by gaining experience and ability to attract girls in general, to have a hope at the ones I desire most), who talked about how she perceives guys who pursue sex and shorter relationships as being emotionally calloused and unable to feel.

But to say we don’t love, and don’t feel the other emotions, would be wrong for at least some of us… some of our value as seducers is learning to convey those emotions well and in an attractive way, I suppose. Ironically, with that same family member today, I realized I forgot the existence of opening a girl with situational openers, instead of my typical nervous “hey, I thought you were cute and I wanted to say hi” default. Maybe I need more work than I can possibly realize yet.

This world Red Quest paints seems to be a real, achievable future, no longer some mere fantasy. I think something about losing my virginity also showed me the visceral potential for building a life like his in ten or fifteen years, at the slowest.

And that’s all I can think of for now.

Keep rolling,


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