Channeling Big Dick Energy, Typing from Japan (LR #2)

Yes, you read that right—I’m now in Japan. Advice for daygame/nightgame has been slow in coming, so while balancing an internship’s duties I’ll be testing the waters and trying to keep from doing anything that’d get me kicked out of Asia early.

About a week ago, I invited a girl (“cards girl”) over on the premise of “strip Uno” (I didn’t have Uno, instead substituted a different card game). We started with the premise, then took things to the bedroom. If I had had another week before leaving for Tokyo, I have no doubt she would have wanted to come again.

With two notches under the belt, mathematically I can draw some lines between my experiences (even if doing so is a terrible idea). I made some notes that night to remind myself, here’s a few:

  • This was my first time having sex more than once in a meeting. I only came once, and I don’t think cards girl did despite getting close a few times. I’m too over-fixated on my partners coming for her enjoyment, though; it’s actually causing the opposite effect. I was able to get hard twice, but couldn’t come more than once.
  • Both of my girls have been on the thicker side, and finding the right angle to keep from slipping out and go as deep as possible has been a struggle. It was hard to tell when I popped out because neither was “tight”, and only went in about 2/3.
  • I have a small dick, I believe. I might check out Good Looking Loser’s articles to fix that seriously in the future. But to yes girls who like the “hot nerd” type of guy, my penis size doesn’t matter for now. What does matter is how I instinctively want to say “sorry” each time I do something moderately potentially wrong.
  • Back massages seem to be great for my own cooldown time, as well as part of bonding and relaxing the girls… and it gives me a decent DHV besides.

I was also talking with this girl, it’d be neat to get some tattoos… I’ll be considering a couple in the future.

If I ever end up in the area I’ll hit this girl up, she’s definitely open on the positivity side to less attached, short interactions involving sex.

This lay was only possible by going hard on dating apps while in the U.S. Here in Japan, the dating app scene seems all but nonexistent, at least for the dating app combination I use (Hinge, Bumble, Tinder, and OkCupid).


In non-sexual topics, I’ve realized that once settled here in Japan, >80% of everything is just like in the U.S., with some added twists because of language difficulties (though mine are less difficult than most, from my use of Anki (free, basic) and Nativshark (paid, well laid out)–in most conversations where a native Japanese person and non-native are nearby, I often end up translating).

I want to do day approaching and/or nightgame, but I feel hesistant because of being in a different country. For the time being, it might be better for me to try the izakaya and learn how to do laundry and go to the grocery store first.

Finally, yes, that title was parodying some of my (the younger) generation’s way of phrasing “alpha” vs “beta” guys, as I was told up to a year ago that I give off “small dick energy”.

Keep on rolling,


Sex Positivity in the Wild West (Status Update)

Swapped out to a new wordpress website name! From the mouthful “forwarddestagnation”, it’s now “nightrollergame”. Easier to remember and roll off the tongue.

Travel update: Out of the US Midwest, out towards the Pacific coast. Sex positivity is significantly higher here, both on dating apps and in my relatives’ attitudes. My parent worries about my safety/chastity whenever I mention a “bar”, while I’m actively seeking sex and am supported by another family member in the area in doing so.

Dabbled in cold approach here and there, and prepping for an upcoming flight to Tokyo this week. I’m also in Red Pill Dad’s coaching pipeline, though schedules make it busy to seriously talk.

A meme, found on the road

But been going hard on Online Dating Apps since I left my hometown. In my first big city near the West side of the USA, I very nearly ended up in bed with a girl cute in everything but face… but a family emergency came up and in the end she left with no more than a kiss. I loved her voice. We planned to meet the next day… and I never heard from her again.

Mmm, I like kissing; wet, slow, seductive, in an embrace… hurried kissing with dry lips just doesn’t feel the same. Kissing brings about the same pleasure, though in a different way, as what (east coast) Swing dance does for me.

And in my current location, after around a week of tenaciously swiping, pinging leads, scheduling dates, burning leads, and messing up 75% of the time (sometimes, learning from your mistakes is harder than you realize), I caught a lay with a decent 5.5 girl [post upcoming]—my second CiV experience. Time will tell if she’ll ghost or pop up again, but she mentioned hitting her up again sometime, and she rated my back massage 5 stars… yes, we’ll see.

For your entertainment, here’s one of the better (she responded at first) worse (I totally miscalibrated) interactions I’ve encountered on Hinge during this trip:

( ^^^ Feel free to critique or recommend where to go from here… I’m considering it a dead lead for now. )

Keep rolling,


Pancake Mouse’s Online Dating Lead Tracker

Pancake Mouse mentioned his lead tracker in this post, and graciously sent a copy by request. It seems handy to use when getting sufficiently strong results from Online Dating or Cold Approach, but if you’re not there yet (I’m not either), consider checking out this article of his and seeing where you can improve.

For my fellow game-enthusiasts, here it is with the data cleared and headings preserved:

Peer Into Red Quest’s Mind and Seduction Process with “The Good Girl”

A few weeks ago, I obtained a copy of RedQuest’s “The Good Girl”. This is my first time making a public review instead of giving private criticism on someone’s prose—so enjoy the terrific randomness as I completely miss the main point(s) and overemphasize the details and inconsistencies that stood out to me in one of the ways RedQuest influenced me.

Overarching ideas:

In “The Good Girl,” RedQuest opens himself up. The book provides a window into RQ’s doubts and “guesstimation” as he calibrates. It takes the description far beyond what you find in a Lay Report; readers can get an in-the-moment view of what it feels like to have advanced game.

Fans of his blog will recognize many of the themes and phrases contained in the book; as Red Quest himself said here and in private,

“There are like 6 – 10 main themes I hit in various ways”

…and though I missed having a few hundred hyperlinks to click on while reading the book, it was enjoyable to see those themes pop up when they did.

Red Quest, I don’t hold it against you in as much as affecting my opinion of your blog, but you jerk(ed) off too much. I hesitated to criticize when you’re significantly more experienced than me, but this is one area where your past self could improve (whether you’ve made the change yet or not). If we as men keep our fire inside of us, it helps us not only with girls (and the drive to meet/find them), but in the passion and ambition for work and hobbies and other non-game parts of life. It’s an anti-doping mechanism, whereas masturbating can lead to sluggishness and lower motivation.

Confidence is sexy, as I am told by girls in real life, and feel tempted to repeat back (of course, I have yet to see any confident girls I feel confident in seducing). Red Quest has an abundance of it. He’s seen the sights and knows how to take a girl from A to Z—carefully.

Smaller, more random notes:

Observant readers will notice–upon opening the book–a lack of publisher or typical fluff found in mainstream literature. Nothing about the creation of the book except an ISBN # (how do you get one of those, RQ?), the print date (my copy was made last month), and that it was “Made in the USA”. The story jumps right in, no fluff added. Just like effective escalation, simple and gets the job done.

Much of the material was beyond my “level“. It was interesting being a voyeur of a sex party, alongside RQ and the girl he brought.

There was some confusing switching between “[the girl’s name]/her” and “You” in the same sections at times. Eventually it was apparent they meant one and the same, “you” meaning “the girl”. It made my grammar sensibilities tingle, especially on page 36.

There was a curious reference to “nam-shub”… I wonder, Red Quest, whether you’ve read “Snow Crash,” or where you came across that concept?

I liked the detail about a disassemblable couch. Portability is not something I had put much thought into, but it will be an important detail to consider once I move out on my own.

I felt a part of me sympathized with a section on page 91, which says, “A restless part of me wants to tell her about the fuck party we’d recently attended.” I have often had to hold back from talking about my sexual exploit and the fact I’m working on myself, including game… and perhaps because I like trumpeting my own horn, I frequently fail to keep from spilling those beans. It may prove my downfall in a society where this type of self-improvement is frowned upon, not necessarily in its goals or methods, but for ruining the “magic” of the romance/sex dance.

The intensity with which Red Quest is strongly in love with the girl at the foci of this book is as inspiring as it is motivating, to me. I recently had a discussion with a wise old family member of mine who knows the broad strokes of my current sexual market strategy (to gain confidence by gaining experience and ability to attract girls in general, to have a hope at the ones I desire most), who talked about how she perceives guys who pursue sex and shorter relationships as being emotionally calloused and unable to feel.

But to say we don’t love, and don’t feel the other emotions, would be wrong for at least some of us… some of our value as seducers is learning to convey those emotions well and in an attractive way, I suppose. Ironically, with that same family member today, I realized I forgot the existence of opening a girl with situational openers, instead of my typical nervous “hey, I thought you were cute and I wanted to say hi” default. Maybe I need more work than I can possibly realize yet.

This world Red Quest paints seems to be a real, achievable future, no longer some mere fantasy. I think something about losing my virginity also showed me the visceral potential for building a life like his in ten or fifteen years, at the slowest.

And that’s all I can think of for now.

Keep rolling,


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