Learn from RedQuest Pt. 2: Lessons I’ve learned

Some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from Redquest, a long but not comprehensive list with links

RedQuest has said he’s leaving the game, and here I write about this man’s influence on me. Continued from this post, and continued further here.

Some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned:

There’s dozens, and maybe hundreds, of lessons that Red Quest articles (and the many links to other sources found within them) impart, but many are situationally applicable—I’ll be talking with an offline daygamer or nightgamer friend, and he’ll say something or I’ll say something and then the title or essence of a post of RQ’s will come to mind. (As I’m writing this, that very situation happened last night: a good-looking offline regular daygamer with me in Krakow was talking about how he likes to excite girls, which prompted me to think of BDSM skills for players.)

Some titles are paraphrased, some are exact articles. I could go into why all of these lessons have become so transformational for me, but with the goal again of not publishing my first novel through this thank-you post, I’ll only note a few of them and let the rest stand on their merits themselves:

I came up with this list in one sitting. I’ll probably think of more later, but even this list of things I misunderstood or did not know before, that I learned specifically from Red Quest through his posts (whether he stated them explicitly as the point of a post or in the flow of explanation). If there was any doubt of the value of RedQuest’s experience and website, at least for this NightRoller guy writing, let it be put to death here.

RedQuest has also done some impressive things here for a hobby blogger who never started official coaching, which is in the next post.

Author: NightRoller

Learning, growing game practitioner. Find me at https://nightrollergame.wordpress.com/

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