FR: Bar Visit #7

Not much to say. Went to “The Owl” with plans to meet an acquaintance, who didn’t show. Sat down at the bar next to a guy in his mid-fifties, half-Irish and quite cosmopolitan, and it was eye-opening to hear how much cheaper health insurance can be outside the U.S. It also makes me wonder about whether I could travel around the globe like he does, as a guy born in the middle of nowhere whose aspirations for dating and living an awesome life are just now budding.

The bar itself is only about 8 stools long and part of a restaurant, so not really one of the places to go for getting to know lots of people quickly but a decent place for taking it slow.

The guy (“Joe”) gave me a few tips, which I’ll record here lest I forget them:
+ Get a Japanese tutor and join the Japanese program if there is one at my school, and become the guy to go to for Japanese stuff.
+ Try tutoring for math. I don’t have to be perfect at it, but my studies have me solid enough (and I’m decent enough at teaching) that, according to him, I should put an ad out in the newspaper or something and teach high schoolers for something like $100/hr.

When thinking about the second advice, I’m curious to try it but wonder if I’d feel like an imposter because I’m “not good enough.”
When considering the first, I think it’s a good idea to develop something that I’m better at than anyone I know (I’m more or less on the right track for that in Japanese anyway), and I should really give some seriousness to developing my skills and network along those lines.
A third thing occurred to me: + Look up how to travel the world for cheap. It takes uncommon (in my generation) social skills to do, but when have I ever settled for being common (my past of playing video games in all of my free time notwithstanding)?

On another note: I tried a social dancing club. It’s pretty good. I’m terrible at coordination, but I’ve got the confidence and aptitude and a sense for the beat such that I think it won’t be a problem for long.

FR: Bar Vist #6

Went to a bar I’ll call “Mike’s #1”, a bar famous among undergraduates for being one of the places to go for alcohol and fun. Tonight was my first visit to it, and apparently it’s one of those that frat boys/sor girls go to for their 21st birthdays.

I came off as a nice guy tonight in almost every conversation. I was able to challenge some frames, spot some IOIs, and open conversations with several people, but most didn’t last long. I’m working on bringing my interesting qualities into conversation; for now, I’ll be content with getting a feel for the bar scene and getting to know the staff while practicing my general social skills. Also getting better at observing the crowds and seeing where there are individual girls or groups of girls that seem potentially open to being talked to. Feels kind of discouraging, being such a one-trick pony any time I open a girl then her getting bored and/or me ejecting, but I’ll be satisfied with getting lots of experience and learning to relax and have a good time without alcohol.

A few things I did decently and will keep improving is being more relaxed and open, holding eye contact, holding tension.

There’s many things I want to work on, but a couple small actionable ones include:

  • Not saying “yeah” or “yeah, yeah, I feel you.” It adds nothing to the conversation and adds to the feeling I’m an agreeable nice guy. Even saying “no way, no way” in a playful way would be better in most cases. I’ll keep this one in particular in mind for next time and the time following.
  • Moving slower. Wading through the human orgy is necessary to get around the bar and meet people, but there’s nothing wrong with staying in one place with some guys I’ve met and scanning for IOIs, scoping the place out and observing how the crowds shift.
  • Assuming the girl is hitting on me. Whatever she says (within reason). Calibrate for this, but usually playfully interpreting what she says will be better to build a conversation than asking random questions.

FR: To Go Too Far (And Regrets)

It doesn’t take much (as far as misstepping) to creep out a girl. It’s hard to balance not being a bore with not being perceived as a psychopath. But there’s bad game, and then there’s going too far, complete social incalibration. I just came from an experience where I did the latter, and I don’t want to let myself do it again (or at least not so wholly wrong). So this entry is to take that pain and hopefully learn from it instead of repeating the same mistakes.

I went out to one of my college eateries. Saw a girl sitting by herself, meal about half-eaten, watching a video. I rushed saying “You’re pretty cute, mind if I join you?”, and had to repeat myself. She looked pretty hesitant, and I said, “If you don’t want a handsome guy to join you, I can go somewhere else,” to which she replied, “No, it’s okay.”
Two major things here:

  1. Bad frame setting from the start. I came in with the frame that “she’s the prize, I’m trying to win her” in my speech and thoughts, which precipitated action that fell into that frame. Instead, I need to cultivate mindsets and speech that says “I’m the prize, she’s trying to convince me”, though it’s hard for me to practice because I’m unused to speaking or thinking like that.
  2. I should have seen through what she was saying. She was a “maybe”, didn’t want me there, wasn’t interested, probably would be hard to turn into a “yes” even with good game. I’ve seen many times before, exemplified by this time in particular, that girls like these have a hard time giving an outright “no” and if anything only want the male attention and validation (unless we gross them out). I should have said something like, “Sorry, you’re not giving me the right vibes. Have a good day/night.” and then moved onto some other girl who gave better eye contact and vibes. I will pay more attention to body language and tone messages to decide whether to spend my meal time with a girl.

To continue, I sat down with her and found her cautiously curious. She also wasn’t saying much. Perhaps she was still watching her video, I’m not entirely sure. I think she might have been looking down a lot. So I tried a topic, mentioned myself as someone who wears many hats, thought about how bad I am at bringing up topics girls care about in ways that interest them, then as I was inwardly freaking out about what to say between bites of my food (a bad sign from me—I should never freak out about talking to a girl. It should be completely cool, except when I’m excited. I should stay relaxed. Next time, I’ll consciously relax and use more eye contact to think at my leisure), I asked what she was watching.

She didn’t reply, so I said something like, “is it something about Psychology? Like…”

And here’s where things went from poor to atrocious.

I looked up at the ceiling as I was thinking for a few moments. “how foreplay makes the sex better?”

She stared at me, surprised. I didn’t hold long eye contact. I felt somewhat nervous, reactive, still feeling out what might be an interesting topic to get her talking. She then said, “I think I’m going to leave now,” and started gathering up her things. I felt a wave of dread at this. This was near-ultimate miscalibration (or lack of calibration).
So another 2 major things:

3. I should not have said these things at this time. Not by a long shot. If the conversation was at a 2 before in tension, as of 1 minute in, this rocketed it up to 10. This isn’t the first time I’d weirded out someone by saying something “off”, but this was the most drastic change (and reaction) I’ve ever gotten, and the worst I hope to ever see result from my actions. I had a hard time in the moment thinking of what to say to steer it in a sexual direction, but that doesn’t excuse this. I made this girl uncomfortable enough that she felt she had to leave. Polarizing is good, but polarizing this hard when I’m still undeveloped on the flirtation side is like signing up for fighting a constant uphill battle. This was a maybe girl I hadn’t gotten more than 15 words out of (until the rejection). I didn’t know enough to use something like this seriously, and should not have considered it.
4. Once I said those words, I did not lend them their weight. If I were to want to steer the conversation in a sexual direction without being completely creepy, and I were to use those words (or better phrased but still strikingly bold words), I then should follow it up with intent. Holding eye contact, showing I’m serious. I shouldn’t joke about sex if I’m wanting to be taken seriously around it. If a bomb is dropped, I shouldn’t be looking nervously all over or acting shifty, I need to be solid and grounded and committed. Then, even if the girl rejects the idea, I would have given it an honest effort and she would know where I stand.

I sat alone with the pain of having socially incalibrated bad, half-afraid someone would come beat me up or someone would have heard (but it didn’t seem so) while I ate the rest of my meal. After a minute of feeling bad, I (shamefully) turned to my pleasure-device to plug myself into a youtube video and pass the time while I ate. I wish I’d been more relaxed, less reactive and more active in the moment. Not having the other person respond doesn’t mean I’m any less interesting, nor should it get me flustered. It’s a form of shit test if anything (if you even believe that term).

My progress in the game side has been slowed by lots of schoolwork and social activities, in addition to the current-highest priority of my life: using Mark Queppet’s Reforged Man cohort to quit porn indefinitely.

Because I’m going full-in on fixing the porn-addicted side of my life, I haven’t been able to watch John Anthony’s course videos properly and learn from it. It has at least 60% of what I’ll need to get started seriously, I know, but because sexual fantasy can be a trigger for me and because of my busyness I’ve set it aside to wait for now, until after I’ve completed the “reforge”.

Speaking of which, I highly recommend Mark’s content for mindset stuff (to be more emotionally healthy/centered/grounded) and porn-recovery stuff. I may write an article myself on porn-recovery because I’ve done so much internet reading over the past year or two up to now, and it’s an area few people in the “pickup” sphere discuss in much depth.

On the plus side, with this final time (and I really think this is the final “streak” I’ll ever have unless I choose consciously to view porn again), I am gaining more motivation and drive to improve my dating and social skills as well as doing internal work on my mindsets (including shifting from a “getting x success” mindset to a “making progress towards x success” mindset) which I believe (and the readers here may see in the future, ~65 days from now) will improve my groundedness, relaxedness, and willingness to face discomfort and build tension. I’m also going regularly to the gym with a plan, trying out the Stronglifts 5×5 (with its handy app!) to make palpable progress on exercises.

Cafeteria Game, A Treatise

Those who’ve read previous posts on this blog may have noticed that, rather than street game or night game, the majority of my recent experience deals in what I dub as “Cafeteria game”, a low-pressure, socially calibrated (mostly) type of game possible while in college. Best of all, I have to do it1 anyway so it locks me into improving (or seeing the need for improvement of) my social skills.

The basic idea of College Cafeteria Game is as follows:

  1. After grabbing food I walk around the seating area(s) of the cafeteria I’m in, looking for a person or group to join.
  2. I sit down with one of the best options in the food court and introduce myself.
  3. I make the girl swoon with perfect verbal game and take her back to my place right after.

That last part is a tiny exaggeration, but the principle holds well. There are some downsides to this game, however. The devil lies in the details.

Finding an attractive girl to sit with who isn’t on the phone/laptop, isn’t almost done eating, isn’t at a tiny table too small for me to join with food, and isn’t with a group of people is a rare miracle to find. I often sit with guys as a result, snubbing my own romantic chances but making potential friends in the process.

Another difficult part about this type of game is that it’s hard to start polarizing conversations or initiate touch. I usually wait until I notice enough IOIs from a girl to seriously consider anything, which is a failure on my part; on the plus side, I am getting higher rates of IOIs now with strong eye contact. Unfortunately, flake rates are fairly high as well, due in part to my busy-student schedule preventing me from meeting up soon enough to keep a lead warm.

Finally, it’s difficult to pull a girl anywhere or suggest one of my default dates2 (unless we really clicked). We just ate dinner together. What more can we do? The dynamic set up by meeting at dinner also lights up the “provider” vibes and lowers the “player” vibes a girl gets from me, making me more likely to find myself in the “friend” category. This isn’t helped by the fact that I’m both inept and unconfident at making a conversation sexual (in undertones or otherwise). That needs to be a frame I set earlier on with joking and playful misinterpretation.

Lastly, as I’ve recently become less and less impressed that a girl has x skills or y interests, I’ve come to realize just how boring so many girls and their lives are, and how strong the pull of social media and that ilk are on their mental circuits. I’m worried about the kind of field it will be in 10 years when I’m in my prime, where girls will get their best stimulation from VR-headsets and simultaneous electronic self-stimulation, thus eliminating adventure sex from the equation for all but the married, the older folks, and those who go against the grain of our technological culture.

1: This school year I made myself the challenge to sit with someone any time I go and sit in a food court on campus; this forces me to save time (by taking the food to go) or to seek out someone to try a conversation with, the latter of which encourages me to do cafeteria game while I’m at it.
2: Usually to get coffee or go out for dinner (at a campus eatery). Going to try suggesting movies at my place as well.

FR: Bar Visit #5

Went to a bar we’ll call “John’s”. Not much happening, it was my second time there. Was a bit more crowded this time. Most of the people are older (upper 20’s and 30’s), and the seating and atmosphere isn’t great for getting to know people much. Probably better just as a place to come with friends to relax, but not so good for social calibration practice.

Will be making a post about “cafeteria game” soon.

FR: 1st date of 2022

This is going to largely be a self-reflection of what I need to improve.

I met with a girl I’d approached last week for coffee this morning. I was nervous the whole time, almost. It was awkward when we first arrived and were ordering (I didn’t know what or when to say anything), it was awkward when I left her, and it was “meh” in the middle.

To be honest, I was 50% sure it would be a flake, because she didn’t respond to my day-of text or many of my texts before and I had run poor, needy text game leading up to today due to my 3 potential text leads all seeming to dry up. She’s a 5 or 5.5 as far as looks go though, so perhaps as a freshman she doesn’t have many juniors hitting her up.

I didn’t do much physical contact. We did sit on the booth next to each other at the coffee shop, but I wasn’t relaxed, and most of the conversation was platonic. I’m still working on free-associating and emotional spikes to keep conversation flowing; it’s still difficult for me. She seems like definitely a comfort kind of girl, and the way we were sitting made it hard to actually touch her very often, much less have a chance for a kiss. On some level I’m sorely disappointed that I treated her pretty much like a friend and didn’t make anything really special happen, besides saying that it was a “date”, even though I still have a large part of me that feels like “no, you can’t kiss on the first date, you have to be a gentleman” that’s been preventing my progress for a while.

I need to get over this fear to act, this fear to have physical touch and hugs and shoulder pats and touching their hair and other light touches and the like, in order to go beyond “being on a ‘date'” to “making her feel like she’s on a ‘date'”.

I also need to get back into John Anthony’s material about how to run dates, reforming my current lack of ability into being able to act in an attractive way. Right now I’m coding to girls as a “provider” type, not a “lover” type. Perhaps the biggest thing I need to do on this is to get more accountability for making progress through coaching from other guys, but I’m held back on that for the time being because I’m presently overcoming a porn addiction (going strong, but I don’t want to let this time go to waste and relapse by taking on too much).

Some more things I wish I would have done:

  • Seeded that we should go on a dinner date at a dining hall sometime
  • Seeded that we should hang out in my room sometime
  • Taken a picture of her when there so I can remember her face
  • Been asking more girls out prior to the date so I have an influx of dates and leads and can feel confident and like I have abundance, to chill out

If I did do one thing decently well, it’s that I eventually got the hang of pulling new topics out of the air and made some emotional ups and downs, rather than the conversation being completely stagnant. I’ll keep posted about how my other potential dates go, I have one scheduled for today later and one for Friday (both with moderately high potential to flake). I don’t really drink coffee much, so maybe this’ll be a chance for me to get used to the taste.

That’s all for now. Keep up the improvement grind! As RedQuest says, the way to improve one’s value is in the diet, in the gym training for physique, in social skills, and in the bed. I’m working on three of those presently, and will not be dissuaded from attempting the 4th!

FR: Bar Visit #4

Alrighty, still getting used to the bar scene.
Tonight, I went to a bar that I’ll call “Bee’s”. I learned tonight that it’s informally called the “freshman bar”, and it’s a small establishment near my college so it makes sense.
As usual, I only grabbed water to drink. Harder to hit on girls when not sober.
The scene: small bar with karaoke night. I lucked out. Or maybe not; it was hard to hear anyone, but there were some sororities that had come as a group.
I’m still learning the basics of what bar game can even be.
There’s a lot more smoking than I would like, I can feel my lungs clogging (I’m 75% sure it’s a mental thing), but I’m starting to get used to it. I won’t get used to having alcohol spilled on my clothes though.

  • I talked to a bunch of people, guys and girls, trying to keep from being out of a group conversation or 1-on-1 for more than a minute or so. Most interactions were short. I’m learning.
  • One thing I noticed is that the girls who flinch away when I bring up her earrings in conversation and reach out to touch them are usually in a relationship. I don’t know how uncalibrated it is, but it’s definitely a good litmus test to use.
  • Had a few girls show major IOIs towards me, where they were sitting alone. I wanted to kiss them, but they were all drunk and I’m too inexperienced to make a move like that and basically told showed my hand, that I wanted to kiss them, in a matter-of-fact way. I probably could have asked if they’re still a good kisser when drunk, but I’m too proud for my first kiss to be a drunk kiss anyway.
  • I didn’t dance much at all. I recognize that I need to get more into the groove of bars and clubs, so next time or the time after that that I go to a bar I’ll make sure to dedicate some time to dancing and singing (I don’t know many popular modern songs, but I’ll keep Bohemian Rhapsody in my back pocket. I’m a better singer than the average guy, so in a party of half-drunk fake-ID college kids I’ll be a professional, hands down).
  • Got out of there when someone started trying to take pictures of my face after I came up to hit on her, mentioned she looked too young to be there, and she seemed disinterested and turned away at first. Don’t need my likeness put up on every bulletin board (yet). I’m not a player enough to take advantage of that notoriety.
  • Got 1 number from one of the drunk girls. Upon texting, found it’s a landline number

So the summary:
1. I need more practice (in bars and out)
2. I need more practice approaching in a calibrated way, and need to practice dancing and being high-energy
3. I need to practice using a deep voice (so my throat doesn’t feel dead) and bringing earplugs (so my ears don’t feel dead)

All Right, Blogging Works

Just as RedQuest and Krauser and many others have said, it’s important to blog.

As a follow-up to yesterday’s frustration, after I posted that blog, I went up to girls on two occasions (a 5 and a 6, as it happened) and put myself out there, suggesting that we should do something (soft close) then asking what her schedule is like and deciding on a day and time (hard close) (credit to Playing with Fire‘s texting strategy applied to cold approach for that). Just by getting the balls to ask her schedule, and getting lucky with IOIs from girls I happened to approach, I ended up with twice as many dates scheduled as I got all last semester(i.e. 2 dates) where I was asking for phone numbers alone with “vague plans for a date someday maybe”.

I’m now under the impression that it was in no small part due to the blog entry—where I identified the issue I was facing and put it somewhere public—that I was able to overcome the limiting step I had been facing, i.e. not asking logistics. I now am a proponent for blogging and plan to do it more frequently.

On another note, I’ve been reading this article and finding it useful to clarify and focus my physical game. Dieting and working out and the like. I also finally made myself a weekly baseline. Now I can default to that and pick apart the nonsense idea I’d formerly held deep inside that eating is supposed to be “an experience”, rather than the reality of eating being “to feed the machine/stay alive”. More simply, “eat to live”, not “live to eat”. Goes against how I’d been raised (on a subconscious level—even though my parents would say they explicitly taught the other way a recent discussion revealed that my parents do prefer their food to taste good than be good for them).

Fatal Mistake – Not Asking Logistics

Life gets busy sometimes. But it doesn’t justify bad game.

In the few times I’ve gone up to girls in the past few days, they’ve showed distinct signs of attraction, including strong eye contact or looking up frequently to see if I’m looking at her. So, lest my emotions tell me the old lie of “no one likes you” or “no girl would be interested”, I’ve got my physical appearance on point enough to get some distinct interest sometimes.

As mentioned in the title though, the critical part keeping things from happening is that I’m not making things happen. For example, I just finished a conversation with a cute brunette in a dining hall, gave myself a faux time limit to keep from staying there too long and creeping her out (which I have done several times up to now, thinking that finishing the meal takes precedence over the impression I make). She glanced my way a couple times as I had come by, and I knew it was probable signs of attraction (not even my current low esteem can deny that). After sitting down and answering the “do you do this often?” (meaning “do you hit on girls like this often?”) with a jokey line (“only the pretty ones”), I proceeded to fire away with hit-or-miss conversation.

By the end of the fake time limit, I got her low-probability “courtesy” number under the pretenses of drinks or coffee (and she said she’s too young for drinks), but I didn’t ask about her schedule for the next week, or ask when she was free, or ask what she was up to later today. It didn’t even occur to me that something could have a chance of happening if I went for it. I regretted it within 30 seconds of leaving the table to “go to class”.

So to summarize:

  • My physique/fashion is good enough to function. I’ll keep hitting the gym.
  • My conversation skills need work. She was focused on her ipad (presumably “for class”) and I should have at least asked her to put it down, to force me to practice bantering/flirting. I know intellectually all the things, but I often trail off or don’t know how/when to make a new conversation topic happen.
  • Most critically, I need to start asking whether the girl is free later today or what her schedule looks like for the next week. Just taking that small step will allow me to get into the mindset of planning a date, and moreover open a new realm of potential growth for me to focus on.
  • I need to sit down and have a genuine conversation with myself and make/let myself believe on more than an intellectual level that this is me. I can do this. Sex is more than a wet-dream fantasy.

Keep on rolling.

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