Seductress Girl, and other Misadventures [LR]

First, the housekeeping leading up to it…

Here’s some excerpts from that first post about Seductress girl:

I was amazed at how I really liked her bangs (and she was adorable and likable besides) on that date. I invited her over, expecting her to probably be more conservative, figured I’d show her how to do my favorite card game and then ask if she was open to trying the strip version. I didn’t know if we would have sex or not, a few days away from the date.

Seemed possible but not probable to escalate to sex until she asked the day before over text about the BDSM pic (on my Hinge profile), and that primed things pretty well. I also told her not to dress up or put on makeup too much—because I “didn’t know if she could handle it if I got too turned on”, to which she replied she bet she could.

Here I talk about the escalation and how it panned out:

Kept it flirty and teasing, the culmination of a lot of practice and experience, and the transition from regular cards to strip cards with occasional kissing and touching to playing with bdsm toys on the bed was smooth as butter. She was very, very much an active enthusiastic girl in bed.

Strangely, she had never had an orgasm before, but mentioned that she was super horny every day and easily got in the mood. She was not submissive, but not dominant either–she was definitely feminine but slid into the role of going on top or seducing me (see 2 and 3 paragraphs down) with ease. She knew how to move her hips, and it was very validating to me to hear her say that I felt very good going deep. It feels to me like there’s a low bar to be good (or the best) in bed, but it could also be that here in my state there’s not much competition this early in most young girls’ lives.

I couldn’t give her an orgasm, but both she and I were worn out after going a second round and trying several different positions. I didn’t realize how kinky and eager and fun she was until she unzipped her outer jacket in my room and we kissed several times over the card game–and then she was definitely fun once we hopped onto the bed. I used the magic wand a bit, and she was eager for me to put a condom on after a bit of that and “just fuck me!”. I teased too much for her taste. (All the girls want just one thing—my dick :P)

And some insight to why I refer to her as “Seductress Girl”, and what she looks like:

Calling her Seductress Girl because she (very sexily) persuaded me into having sex a second night in a row–leaving me to have much less stamina and “hardness” for the next girl the following day.

I really enjoyed her with the enthusiasm and experience in bed, and eagerness to see me yet again (she has a few toys in her apartment she wants to show me). She didn’t have a belly but wasn’t thin either, but very thick in the hips and enough chest for me to appreciate with my hands and tongue. She had nipple piercings. which made it a little trickier. I would be happy to see her again, especially as a part of a rotation—she seems open to the idea of us each seeing other people, though she sounds more interested in continuing to use my bedroom skills than anyone else’s.

I saw Seductress girl this past week (and plan to yet again this week). She has an active dominant streak, we used her full-bed hand and foot cuffs on both me and her at her place. She likes to tease me, but I have too much patience in the bedroom—I just enjoy being there with a girl I find hot.

She introduced me to “365 Days”, a movie series that’s Chick Crack on Steroids, porn for horny girls, which she said she gets turned on by every time.

There was drama, the protagonist was a hot woman but was being chased by the male 0.0001% (two rival mafia bosses), there was a lot of dominant sex with dozens of sex positions, and the music and how the scenes were all plotted out (especially the pacing and angles of the sex scenes) was impeccable. This was chick crack. I recognized easily all the attributes that the guys were showing that made it a total turn-on for the girl, and how the girl was constantly in the “existing” and rarely “leading” (except, on occasion, when she was horny). I wouldn’t watch it again on my own, but as far as date material goes, it’s a girl’s fantasy—the drama of having the pick of two of the most attractive single dangerous dominant socially calibrated guys on the planet.

[There were only a] few things the male options did significantly wrong in the movies [compared to what I would consider “optimal”.]

Me, explaining why 365 Days was Seductress Girl’s top favorite.

Porn, with enough plot in between to make it rewatchable for the girls and bearable for their male partners to watch together

Me, in a private chat, summarizing 365 Days

Lots of “dangerous but empathetic dominant alpha guy with tattoos and a mafia connection” guys on there. Great material for a date, if you know for sure the girl is on the kinkier side… RedQuest told me I should write a FR about my experiences with that. I plan to shortly this is that post.

We cuddled for quite some time after. The leadup was also quite fun. I showed up to hers, and she was already unbuttoning her shirt and getting naked, running her hands over me and generally being a fun distraction while I prepared our dinner (a homemade pizza, for those curious). Next time I’ll play along and feign being woefully distracted and unsure of what to do, unbearably turned on by her… that might be a fun roleplay, exaggerating in that sort of way.

Life’s not all rainbows and sunshine… I’m in a rut of sorts generally, not just in regards to women. That’s a post for another time… a more well-rested NightRoller.

I’ll leave you with another quote, this one more humorous:

We didn’t start [this endeavor] because it was easy… we started because it looked like it would be easy.

An ironic saying from a man who hadn’t read this article from RedQuest
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