+1 American in Prague

Saw this girl twice, and she brings self-awareness and kindness to the table.

(Details of this blog have been redacted upon request.)

General Travel Stuff

I met and talked with a guy from the KillYourInnerLoser here in the Czech Republic, who in my opinion has an excellent profile but who is still working on his texting after just starting his journey in earnest this year–he echoed my thinking: my profile looks like a nerdy basic guy (but good photos), not a guy who could and would f*ck the everliving shit out of a girl (in the best of ways) and leave her weak-kneed and in love, as opposed to his profile, which gives that vibe.

I struggle to create the right vibes in person too; that is partly because of my style (I still wear glasses–hard to pack enough daily contacts for the road and haven’t gotten corrective eye surgery yet), and partly because of my frame, confidence level, and social skills. I need to build another thing to excite the cute party girls, because going to bars isn’t yet in my repertoire and won’t be until I move out from my parents in the U.S. As RedQuest reminded me often, the solution is to go talk to more girls,

“Main lesson is a pretty common one… talk to more girls!”


… though, building up rapport with deeper-thinking girls is doable enough for me (when I like them) as long as they’re not too deep in believing *everything* the academic world says.

The LR

I’m still not sure how long I’ll keep posting explicit “love reports” and +1’s like this.

Due to the aforementioned post-publish request for detail removal, I think it’s a wakeup call I should keep these stories in a private journal except in the rare cases where a snippet of a story serves useful for an example of something. I want to remember the good experiences and learn from the bad, but I don’t want to make people feel bad about themselves in the process.

We had a good time. We met twice. Some particular aspects about how we communicated together made for an especially good time and interesting conversation. I would be open to seeing her again, but it depends on the future and how things go. I want us both to grow and become better people, which may or may not preclude us meeting again. Have empathy for girls. Not every girl will have empathy back, but some will. Treasure it when you find it.

Author: NightRoller

Learning, growing game practitioner. Find me at https://nightrollergame.wordpress.com/

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