I might be one of the men who doesn’t want to get laid, I theorize

Going to keep this short. A while ago I cracked open KillYourInnerLoser’s article about how some men want to get laid while others focus on “the hunt”, or the seduction of women, and the thrill that comes with it. Crossreferencing that article with BlackDragon’s article going deeper on the same subject, the concept of huntsmen vs. laymen (haha!) makes a lot of sense on the surface level.

But then I recalled Krauser’s post about Reveal vs. Restructure, one article that helped clarify for me that not all pickup-related advice was equal even for information targeted at beginners. And that led me to thinking (a dangerous pastime, I know), could BlackDragon and KillYourInnerLoser be some of those who had more “reveal” than “restructure” in their journey?

It might not change much. It might not matter at all. But, as someone who is still unlearning pussy-repelling behaviors, it does make me wonder whether I would be better served becoming a huntsman than a layman. I think, naturally, that I tend toward the layman side, but could that be just my lack of plentitude. As a Restructurer, no matter what, I’ll be implementing some huntsman aspects until I have more experience.

To keep some modicum of accountability, I began working through John Anthony’s material, but have been delayed from scheduling photos and continuing watching the material by a suddenly busy schedule. As it goes, priorities will have to change for me to follow this rabbit-hole further.

I wonder if my lack of focus on this indicates that I’m too busy, or if I really just don’t want to get laid outside of masturbatory fantasies and dreams?

As I write this, I’m reminded of ideas I’d seen in RedQuest’s article on why men nowadays may want/seek sex less.

Author: NightRoller

Learning, growing game practitioner. Find me at https://nightrollergame.wordpress.com/

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